So I’ve recently just flushed my girl due to some salt buildup I think, the soil was clustering together and hardening. I decided to do a flush just to start from scratch in feeding however, she looks like she’s starving but soil is still quite moist. Should I feed now? Or should I wait until soil dries out. She’s close to the end, just gotta get here there now.
It’s always good to follow a flush with a feeding
I’m not an expert by any means. I will tell you that every time I get into the flower stage my plants always look like yours. No matter how healthy they look all the way through veg into early flower. I’m beginning to believe it is just what happens naturally.
Will do. My questions relies heavily on not wanting to get bud rot. Is it ok to feed if soil is still moist? (Only in these circumstances of course)
Ty appreciate the input, honestly might just be that then?
If youre close to the finish line within a week you probably can just finish or regular water. She looks good and does look appropriate for the age. Good lookin bugga. If you think you have weeks left, and you could, then some feed would be good.
Its not.
If you didnt feed them on the day you flushed the soil you Litteraly washed all their nutrients away and left them with nothing to eat.
If it were me I would feed now. Also, have you given her any cal/mag since she’s been in flower?
Not yet, I have it in the Jacks 3-2-1.
So you can either give her a separate cal/mag supplement (it’s what I do because for me it’s easier) or you can adjust your Jacks. But they need cal/mag and you’ll see a defeciency after the first three weeks of flower.
What do you think adjustment should be and/or how much cal-mag to add?
thanks, I think you just helped me too… my one outta three having dying leaves, four weeks into flower. I had accepted it but now remember I flushed heavy and dried (and changed environment) to discourage gnats larvae I found in the one, never fed them since
When ever I flush, doing one tomorrow actually, I put 10 gals ph’d (6.8) dechlorinated tap water (for 3 gal pot) through my soil. After each 5 gallons I wait a few mins (3-5) for water to drip out. I like to give the soil a chance to desaturate so that when I pour in the next 5 gallons water through it can penetrate the soil and push the salts out. After the last 5 gallons I test ph and tds of runoff. If its not 6.5-6.8ph with a similar tds as the tap water I pour in I will do another 5 gallons of water and again if need be. Once desired PH/tds achieved I allow 10-15 mins for soil to drip. Then I do a full feed. Its important to let the soil drip out all the excess water and to pour nute solution slowly so soil can absorb as much nutes as possible. Here are my notes from the last flush I did.
Glad I was able to help you growmie! Hope my notes and process are helpful.
beyond helpful, you drop some valuable info I’ll use. and Im gonna grow better plants, awesome cant wait
I was of the belief dying self-devouring and looking like fruiting raspberry bushes was normal, but this current grow has two green all the way now becoming fifth week, so its been on my mind… So time to fine tune the mid late flower, something I can improve