I haven’t added any nutrients ever. I started it with half miracle grow half compost. I have only been watering with water from my fresh water fish tank. I also foliar mist it a couple times a week. It perks up and acts like it loves it. I’m basically just wondering if it looks good now? Is there something I should be doing differently? Any advice is welcomed Thanks!
I would not top at this point. It should start showing pistils soon. If you are concerned about height and evening out the height, bend the main stem over and tie. Do a little bit each day or a couple times a day. How much to bend it depends on how soft the stem is. Start the bend as low as you comfortably can.
Plant looks good. Not a good practice to be spraying your plant with water. At some point you will need to get a runoff an check your PPM. Depending on what kind of soil you have how far it will carry you before need to start feeding. Light distance I would look back at manufacturer’s recommendation. You can start at that point, An lower it a little bit see how plant responds.
Well you actually can use a foliage spray while lights are on just gotta read the info on bottle when you foliar feed but this is what I use every 3rd day I drench the entire plant and let them dry
You can use all the way to week 5-7 in flower! This stuff is great and doesn’t make your product taste airy and like dirt and yes you can only spray it on with LIGHTS ON and don’t take from light spray it then put it back, keep the plant where it usually is and spray the hell out of her and also you can use for ALL stages of growth
Yea I’ve tried to get it even but you know you always get yourself some cowboys lmao if you didn’t know, those are the Lone Ranger (longer) stalks that grow faster than the rest lol
Thanks! Yes pistils are everywhere! I have a new question. I have gnats or something. I put a sticky strip in the tent and the gnats are adding up. What can I do to combat these things. The only thing Ive seen on the leaves are a few of the tips are turning white. Any ideas?
I used Captain Jacks Deadbug spinosad spray. I sprayed the soils and stems. If you spray the canopy do just before lights out. This product was recommended to me if in flower. Also used Mosquito Bits, a few bits on soil surface. This kills the larvae in the soil.
No idea about the white edges. Have not encountered.
Hi my ppm is 2300. It may be high because I checked the runoff after watering with my fishwater. I haven’t seen any nute burn or anything. I occasionally get white tips on a leaf or 2 from time to time.