First grow/plant!
Ive got a plant flowering. Last week I noticed a green caterpillar and proceeded to pull a dozen (maybe more) off the plant. This morning I noticed a top flower laying over and on closer inspection the stalk was nearly chewed through. I just pulled 5 more basterds off the plant. They’re eating the flower. Plant and most flowers still look/are healthy and happy…for now.
Is there anything I can do in this late stage? She’s been flowering for about a week - week and a half (I think).
Also - I’m about to leave for a trip and will be gone for 10 days. I’ve got someone feeding/watering while away but I can expect them to comb through the plant searching for those caterpillars.
I HATE THOSES DAMN GREEN MONSTERS!!! they will munch ALL the tops off, 1 day you just loose each top, your right they will hatch in one spot, usually at a killer bud and just eat eat eat, so CAPTIN JACKS DEAD BUG BREW kills em all, thoses suckers gotta go, just MAKE SURE YOU SPRAY WEEKLY “AT DUSK ONLY” do not spray during sun light it will destroy the leaves if sprayed in sunlight…i pick ONE DAY A WEEK AND SPRAY EVERY WEEK TILL GONE…GOOD LUCK
Products with BT ( Bacillus thuringiensis) will get them but they must eat the plant and ingest it to kill them (I use Monterey BT). Start early and spray often. Unfortunately, they can introduce botrytis (bud rot) so you have to watch carefully where they were… if you have any bud rot, get rid of that portion of the bud and a decent size section of good bud under it.
Captin jack dead bug brew MUST be repeted weekly, pick a day each week and spray at dusk ONLY and no worms…ive done it for the last 2 years and NEVER HAVE BUGS, but like I said you have to spray it regularly because those little suckers are deep within the buds and they hatch at all times that’s why you got to spray it weekly
They get at the base of the top luscious top buds and eat thro the stock, by then there big enough to pick off, CJDBB kills them at a very early stage, doesnt allo them suckers to get big and destroy your buds…hate em hate em
If I’m using captain jacks dead bug to help with these caterpillars this late in cycle, does that mean I’ll need to wash the buds after harvesting? (If so, before drying?)
Nope you can use it up to week of harvest
Was thinning out my girls yesterday, and FOUND 2 WORMS! On autos…so out came captin jacks, for my FIRST SPRAY OF THE SEASON
I have same problem as well but im very late in the cycle , week 9 of flowering , based on the pistil and trichomes looking thru my jewelers eye im thinking another week to go so i dont really want to spray them with dead bug so should i just harvest a tad early, ive only found a couple here and there but now im worried, thanks in advance, any advice will be appreciated
Spinosad had a half live outdoors of 14-16 days. UV light and microbes break it down. According to the Material safety data analysis: it is not absorbed thru the skin readily. Or thru digestion absorption. It is not cancerous. Its biggest warning is reproduction. It can cause miscariage, infertility, cause severe bleeding during periods, and make male infertility. Its biggest ingestion warning is never thru smoking. Specifically to always wash hands thoroughly before smoking after application. It’s known to cause severe nausea if inhaled into the lungs and increase its effects on reproductive systems. It should never be inhaled into the lungs. Per US MSDA sheet.
@Teri, you are right it is practily lickable off apples and blueberries and lettuce. But definite not something you want to fire up in a big hit. All the agricultural testing was for eating produce, not burning it. The warnings are from hand transfer while smoking tobacco after field application. Like wash your hands first. No studies have been done on burning it directly that I could find.
Most studies were on cats and dogs for flea medicine. Then fed for years to rats and bunny’s. No cancer or death. But the lil animals definetly weren’t smoking it. It’s water soluble so a bud wash would remove it if sprayed up to harvest,
Just something to think about…
… NOT telling you what to do.
In my experience, hands down, nothing wipes out caterpillars better than BT. I could not agree w @Caligurl more. It does almost nothing to any other bugs except fungus gnats, and thats because their larval stage are tiny caterpillar/worms in the soil. The adults aren’t usually killed by it.
Not hated on captain jacks, it’s great stuff. But I don’t grab a drill if the tool I need is a hammer. Happy growing.