I’m waiting to put my plant into the flowering phase. The only things kinda holding me back are my younger plant that’s right next to her, not a big deal, and my lack of flowering nutes. Due to my inability to order any right now, maybe next payday, I’m trying to find a substitute to hold me until I’m able to order some. I’m not sure when that will be yet, as it could take over a month for my order to be delivered. But right now I’m using a fertilizer with 10-15-10, did me good this whole time and it was the only one available in my small isolated town, I was wondering if I boosted my potassium up with Molasses, and boosted up my phosphorus with some other homemade concoction, could that make up for a flowering fertilizer? Laugh and call me dumb of ya must, just need an answer of any kind lol
This is in soil?
How broke is broke if i may ask?
It comes out to stupid expensive in the long run but, as a stop gap…they sell repackaged nutrients on amazon
This is available from any Nutrient company not just advanced…in fact i suggest you don’t buy advanced like this unless you are used to using it.
unauthorized link removed
Whats the rules about links?
Any links? or just not ebay?
What is it that you have?
Personally, I pretty much run the same npk ratio from start to finish. But it’s still comprised of mixing multiple parts in order to cover the entire spectrum of plant required nutrients. I’m slightly concerned that whatever you have won’t have them all, or at least enough of all of them. Imo there is nothing very solid on what the best npk ratio for cannabis is anyway, but the plants must be around required nutritional needs to remain healthy.
Amazon, dealzer, aliexpress as far as products for sale. Informational links are acceptable as long as there isn’t advertisements for competitors or click through to products for sale.
Are not allowed?
Because i ONLY post a link to an item for Informational purposes…Note the recommendation NOT to buy it.
I am not here to sell stuff or pump products…im here to help people and answer questions.
Yes, it’s in cheap potting soil, only thing available at 1 of the 2 stores here lol. But it worked really well so far on my other plant
That sounds awesome and may be good enough for my first grow here
Those will not make much at all tho so keep it in mind and make sure you are getting enough for your needs…
And if you do go that route try to check the seller out…(that its real and not a scam…like i said i have reservations about this but is a solid option if your in the right tight spot.)
And I just started adding Molasses to my watering tonight as well. But if it wont yield much i guess I’ll check into something else until I eventually get some through the mail
I’m a hydro guy but…my understanding is molasses feeds the soil (microbes) witch in turn feeds the plant…i dunno soil is all mysterious to me still lol
Right on. Much appreciated for the input, was kinda stressing about using this fertilizer all the way through its life, now I know I should definitely be stressing about it lol. Gonna try to fix this as soon as I can
Best of luck.
Hit me with any questions you have
That’s awesome and great to know, will definitely ask questions if needed. I’m just 2 months into my first grow and I think hydroponics is a cool system that I eventually might experiment with. Thanks a lot, very much appreciated
Yup Yup.
Doesn’t really matter what your intentions are, ebay links are not allowed. You can link the 3 sources i posted above, that is all.
I believe that you are not the seller of said item, and your intentions were simply to help another member. But if we let you post a link to ebay, then we have to let everyone else. People will take advantage of that, so under current directions, it’s not happening.
Is what i was stuck on…i have used amazon to explain what im doing a lot
seemed to include amazon in the no no list
and taking that would have upped the difficultly. lol
(i absolutely understand no rando links (ebay included)
Thanks for clarifying
Are your seeds autos? How far into the grow are you and what is your current light schedule? I tried to find this info and I’m technically Stone Age so I failed. If you have not switched and they are not autos you could let her continue to veg out and then flip once you have your desired nutrients. If you are in flower I have heard good things about FF marine quazini I know I misspelled the crap out of that. You might find it at your local nursery especially if you have one how carries the FF lineup. It’s a granular slow release that you can sprinkle on the soil and work down a little then get some ph adjuster liquid and a ph pen. Again I have not used this but the kid that loads my ffof and hf soil into my truck highly suggested it for “California tomatoes” said was getting good growth. They also have American pride. The npk number varies slightly. American pride numbers are 9 6 6 the other has a n of 10. Not sure of the other 2 numbers. Maybe just ph your water and pray that you have enough nutrients in the soil from your previous feedings. Do you feed every time? It is ok to flush at certain points. I hear you can mix up some other fertilizer i don’t know the name but it looks like an old timey bag. You have to use several different types in specific amounts. Sorry I’m not much more help then that.