Flowering 22 days after emergence and just one feeding?


I have two Fast Buds Skunk Autos that are 22 from emergence. I’ve fed them once. Am I mistaken or are they now in flower? I have a couple ILGM White Widow Autos I started a few days later that are also coming along nicely! This will be a fun ride!


Yep. First one is def preflower


Thank you, @ChittyChittyBangin!

Both are spreading out nicely.


So you’re 3 weeks in on autoflowers. It’s not uncommon to flower in 3 weeks.

However, to me the very first picture that you posted looks like new growth not flower. Your second picture is a little unclear. You’ll be able to tell in a few days stop when that new growth grows out it’ll become more clear. I mistaken new growth for flower many times


Yep. The pistils appearing are the beginnings of flowering. You have to take what you get with autos in terms of when they flower.


@Lostgirl — Thank you for your eye and expertise!


@MidwestGuy — Thank you, My Friend! I feel like a proud new father!


I got that backwards, the first one looks like pistols and the second one looks like new growth


What kind of soil are you growing in?


I’m reusing my Happy Frog from my last grow.

They are indeed “Fast Buds”. :smile_cat:


I have two of the largest totes that you can buy filled with my old Happy frog soil. I was going to reuse it as well

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@Newt — They most certainly are!!! I will say my ILGM White Widow Autos are right behind them!!

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@Lostgirl — I figured why waste it?!

I agree 100% I would make sure you add new microbial life when the soil dries out and sits in its storage it’ll all die. Other than that, I say save the money!

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It will be interesting to see how they take shape from here.

Nice to see you using up old stuff when you can.

Unfortunately, I still can’t help when it comes to feeding anything but I do have an auto that I just topped, 23 days above ground :+1:

Even early flowerers can turn out strong. Good luck :crossed_fingers:


@Mozzy — Thanks, Man!

Looking good!

That’s precisely what I did!

Great minds!

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Things are progressing nicely.

Fast Buds Skunk — day 30

Fast Buds Skunk — day 30

ILGM White Widow — day 27

Fast Buds Mystery Seed — day 25
This girl is bizarre. The trunk grew horizontally for a few inches and is HUGE—the diameter is roughly .5" at the base.