Yeah we got them escape proof harness for our cats to let them be able to go outside and enjoy the fresh air and not be able to run. Well wife got her cat in the harness which fit him perfectly set him on the ground he looked like a statue at first didn’t wanna move with that harness on. Started to walk fwd felt the leash touch him turned seen leash and pulled backwards a touch and slid right out of the harness and took off like a bat out of hell. Lol needless to say he was in the harness for 2 mi utes and escaped so we now call him Diesel Blaine as he knows magic. He went on a 3month journey outside before we finally caught his punk ass again. Now after that scare for him he don’t even much go by my front door at all like he is scared to be outside now. Lol
So did I see u got an autopot system also. Me too just got plants in pots like 3 or 4 days ago. Exciting stuff trying out something new. Lol. Did u get URS setup yet
We had a cat that was VERY interested in seeing what fun existed beyond the magical wall that could open and close. One day, he snuck past my ankles; wish I had a video of it - in about a two-foot area, he darted-danced on our patio this way and that for about ten seconds, and then he made a beeline to the safe indoors. After that, he NEVER tried to get outside again. Scared straight, just like your Diesel Blaine. Sorry about his three month journey, though, must have been frustrating.
Afraid not, I’ve been extremely tired the last two days, I’m suffering a bout of insomnia. Sometime this week, if I ever learn now to sleep again.
The flipping Golden Years, AGGGH!
I saw this and it made me think of you two ladies…
Hope you’re having a great day!
Since I’m the weirdo who abandons threads …
Here’s the link to the current one!
Kap, I know you have the new link, just tossing this here in case anyone I forgot to tag wanders over here.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday @Fiz
Happy birthday!
Thank you!
Thanks - 4/20 birthday is the best!
Dang sorry I missed your cake day . Happy belated cake day!
Oh thanks!
Just going to put another link to my 2023 grow - in case I missed anyone!