After reading through all this. I think you will be glad you got a tent. If for nothing else. The convenience. I doubt you will have to deal with all the bugs and mold like out doors. My 02 would be. Skip the autos for now. And maybe get a few photos. And grow them smaller. That way. You can get a few different strains to try. @MattyBear grows enough in a 3x3 to fool you into thinking it is a 5x5. Depending on the strain. You could probably do 2 nice autos if you put them in opposite corners. I use 2’x2’ scrogs but really would be better with 30" ones. Some autos can get pretty descent sized. If you want to do well for your first grow. I would look for some one that grows similar to how you plan on growing. And see if they have the time or would mentor you through the first. If you choose coco. You are not going to get more than 2 autos in a 3x3. Just my opinion. I did 4 autos in my first grow. I had to buy a 3x3 to move the AK - 47 into. Lucky for me the 2 Blue dreams I did finished earlier than my big bud. As it took up most of my 4c4 tent. This is my fist completed grow. I lucked out and had @MattyBear and @Myfriendis410 mentor me through it. I ended up with 23 1/2 oz from it. So choosing help from the start can make a big difference. Just my 02