I have to grow all outdoors and that’s nonnegotiable. We have a small patch of woods but other than that our yard can easily be seen by the road and neighbors on both sides. One being my in laws and they will absolutely question random large bushes growing in the middle of the yard. So the woods is basically my only option if I don’t want to be turned in.
I’m planting in large fabric pots that I can move about with a dolly. The best spot in the woods gets roughly 5 hours of direct sunlight with 2 hours of partial sunlight in the middle of the day. Is that enough? Everything I’m reading online about light requirements has me nervous…
I’m considering cutting down a couple small invasive trees to increase sunlight there but I honestly don’t think it would help much. Should I try to pick them up and put on something talk to increase height? Again idk if that would help. Would it help if I could give them more light before they get larger and start smelling before moving them into my safe woods spot? Then they will be exposed to onlookers though which is obviously a security risk… ugh idk. Any advice?
Put them in the woods they will be fine. I have a bunch in the woods that are doing fine now just make sure u keep up with the bug repellant. And cutting a few trees to open it up more will help. As long as its not super dark shade most of the time you’ll be fine.
@Dinosaur I would think in the woods for sure is gonna be great….more often than not you’ll have more problems with humans than other animals….I’m growing in the country on my property it’s isolated and there are varmints of all sorts….but even they are smart enough to learn once that certain places should be avoided. If you’re worrying about in-laws or anyone else for that matter…it leads me to ask this….who’s property is it? Is it it private property truly or still in city limits? Why would they turn you in? Do you have bad relations with anyone around you? I think that these concerns are more vital over sunlight….if these concerns aren’t addressed then it might be a waste of your efforts trolling back and forth to check your plants and having to do so in regards to OTHERS and their time schedules (to me) is just asking to bring problems for yourself. I think it’s best to figure out, truly, if you can trust those around you to let you grow responsibly rather than try and responsibly grow before you know truly if it’s gonna be something you want to be responsible for….
It is our property. My in laws are our neighbors and they struggle with boundaries. Maybe they wouldn’t turn me in but they certainly don’t need to know about it. No one but my SO knows and even he doesn’t want to know. Better to be safe than sorry. I’m assuming that anyone who sees anything knows exactly what I’m doing and will turn me in. I know that’s not true but just trying to be smart and overly cautious.
This time of year on the gulf coast if you don’t move your plants under shade trees they burn up.
If I remember correctly your plants need only 4 hrs of direct sunlight a day.
PS if you have nosey neighbors ditch that Dolly and anything shiney and put your plants in the ground. Cut the bags and plant. Camo everything. Don’t make obvious trails to your medicine.
And I would put them in the ground. Anything man made draws attention. Is there any reason to not leave them in the ground?
The amount of shade may cause them to flower sooner than intended, but if this is acceptable then I wouldn’t worry about it.
You can cut trees down, but strategically place them so they’re blocking the plants from direct views. They won’t be green for long, but it’ll still be valuable as a screen of sorts.
Some other options is to plant tall safari like grass as a screen as well.
Keep your trips during the day to a minimum, and dusk or night only. Know your route, and possibly make more than one route to them.
I’m just kicking some ideas around, these are not absolute.
I have terrible solid clay soil. I’d bury my pots but I’m worried a big rain will drown them. We’ve been getting more rain than usual too. I have my outdoor set up concealed behind my chicken coop so I should be good.
I grow on my deck, sometimes i move my plants around to get more sunlight (its very easy because most of my pots are on wheels ) my question is does this affect my plants negatively, positively or not much at all, the reason i ask is i either read it or someone told me it messes with their light cycle , my thinking is its just like some days are sunny some days aren’t so sunny , anyone have any intel on this