First timer..need feedback

First time grow 3x3 set up

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What exactly are you wanting feedback on? All we know is that you have a 3x3 setup.

Pictures details of set up ?

Welcome @1stTimeGrower1 ,
Lots of good friendly help here.
Just jump in and ask whatever you need.
Most of us were new not so long ago and many like me have learned a bunch.
Look forward to seeing what you got.


I have 3x3x6 tent with a PARAFACTWORKS RA2000 W LED Grow Lite with 4 inch IPower 195 CMF inline fan with 4 inch carbon filter…gonna run GrandDaddyPerp auto 2 of them in naturesliving super soil concentrate mixed with roots own organic soil only ph’d water and other two with roots organic with General hydroponics flora trio with cal-mag nutrients…how it’s sound


Seeds are germinating and everything will be up and running bye this Monday…Feb.22.2021…pictures to follow.

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Sounds like you don’t need help, haha…

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Patience, you got this…

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Honestly first time growing… I’ve just done alot of research before I did anything… I’ve always wanted to grow my own pot and was always looking into different was but I just was never financially able or really had a place to call my own to be able to do it…well now, all that has changed and here I am ready to go…and I’m ordering many more different auto strains this week as well…

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Looking forwards to all the feed back once the pics start posting

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You need the pics before we can give constructive criticism, etc…, but we are here to help.
Watch your humidity and temperature. Use filtered water till they are baby plants. I would stear clear of fertilizers of any kind, haha.
Keep the light close enough…
If using auto, transplant them baby plant, into their last potting, etc…
This is my 2 cents, for now…

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First grow, exciting stuff! What’s the plan for the seedlings? Starter pot, light height, watering plans, etc? The first week or two are really important. A stunted seedling will set you back immensely.

Why autoflowers if I may ask?

I’ll have pics up starting next week…and thank you for the advice and opinions it’s much appreciated…

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Sounds like you did your homework! Good luck.

Let the learning begin