New Grower Needing Guidance

I would like to have some input on the setup I will be using. I know a lot of this is learn as you go/grow, I just want to make sure I’m starting out with all the correct tools.

3 GSC fem autoflowers from I49 seeds
48"x 24"x 72" Grow Tent (wanting to grow 3 plants)
Mars Hydro TSL 2000 Grow Light
Apera pH Tester
5 Gallon Fabric Pots w/ Handels
FoxFarm Happy Frog Soil
FoxFarm Nitrient Trio (Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom)
6" Fan w/ Carbon Filter, 6" Fan for intake (Both with speed controls)
Light timer, Humidity/Temperature display

Will be growing in a 12x12 shed with a window AC for temp and humidity control (Live in Midwest)

The only thing I think I’m missing is a couple 6" clip fans for inside the tent and maybe a humidifier/dehumidifier for inside the tent, and Cal-Mag.

If I’m missing anything please share with me. Also please share if you have used a similar setup and your results.


Looks like a great setup! You’ll need pH up and down, oh and the most important thing, time. Welcome to the forum great people around to help you!


Welcome to the forum, it looks like you have a pretty good idea of what you need.


Wow all y’all happy money people on here make me sad. I can’t afford Hardly anything.
Just call me the poor Farmers market, accept my markets closed cuz I ain’t selling. Got nothing to sell anyway. A guys 10 day baby, compared to my 8 day babies, mine still looks like a new germ. That’s sad. I do believe that my treated soil is dead. That’s ok though, because I’m getting new treated soil on 19th, which is tomorrow. Will be doing final transplant too.

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@Draco1 don’t get discouraged man. We all do what we can with the means available. When I began seriously wanting to grow it took forever to get my light and tent. I had them for almost two years before I ever got them out of their boxes. Now I’m half way thru my first grow and have gotten another 30 or so seeds of some fire waiting to grow. For some of us it just takes a lot of time and patience. Do what you can and do the best you can until you can do better. I get jealous of some of the toys and setups I see on here but we can only do what we can do brother. Luckily this community goes to the wall to help us do the best with what we’ve got!


Yup, already seen that, and that’s why I’m still here. This community is the best.


@Vance420 This community has made me realize that if it ain’t worth fighting for it ain’t worth having. Because I’ve seen people on here struggling right left and still yet people come back at them with cairing, honest answers to get them on their feet again, flourishing in flowering and budding. And standing up for what the community is all about, reaching out to total strangers to lend a helping hand in those peoples endeavors. That means alot to me. If that makes any sense to you.


Welcome @ShwaRay! 3 plants in a 2x4 is going to be tight. I would save a seed and run 2 in there. Everything else looks good. Stick to the flush schedule on the fox farms schedule and don’t add nutrients until your soil ppm gets below 1000

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Welcome to the forum.

welcome to forum

I started cheap and a month later I got something new and on and on. It definitely wasn’t a overnight thing

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My grow buddy here in town got his start by growing for a friend who financed his initial startup costs. It was a good arrangement for both and he’s since become one of the better growers on this forum.

Nice for somebody else to pick up cost, mighty neighborly.

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I pointed that out as a possible means to setting up a grow space. If you have a friend or relative wanting meds and willing to help get you started it might be worth it.

Nope… Got nobody I would trust with this knowledge.
Rule number 1= Tell nobody.
If a fish never opened it’s mouth, it wouldn’t get caught.

My favorite Ben Franklin quote:

“Two people can keep a secret if one of em’s dead”.

That is fine but you can’t go through life trusting nobody. Rather; learning who you CAN trust. All of my friends know I grow and I’m safe as can be. But if in an illegal state you def want to be careful.


4-5 week female plant

4-5 week Male Plant


Thank you all for the info and welcomes.


@Draco1 Thanks Mate, when I get everything going I’ll keep these saved to reference. Don’t need any dirty men hiding in my tents lol.

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@BobbyDigital Which way did you find easiest to check your soils PPM? Did you use one with probes and insert them into the medium or test the soil with test strips or liquids?

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