First timer farmer

This made me chuckle :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I’m alil high , you’ll have an amazing harvest bro :sunglasses:

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Ut looks like a highon version of the free life on mario :laughing:

Where r u from. U havnt started a grow yet @Mr_Wormwood i seen in a post u got a lonely seed from somewhere is this your only seed buddy?? If so we need to talk somewhere and i will get u a little hook up to get u started. I was blessed to win 300 seeds in a contest i will gladly give u a few seeds to help a brotha out getting started. If ur still tent and light searching get a bigger setup save on the seeds for now get a good light and tent to fit the light and i will get u some seeds. They r regs oe fem seeds only habe a few autos but autos are shit next to photos and regs anyways lol still fun to grow tho. Let me k ow what plan u have and we can work something out as long as seeds can make it safely to u depending where u are in the world lol

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Coin flips, hose washers, in a greeting card. Three stamps will get them anywhere in the world. No customs forms. Easy peasy.

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what is coin flips.??? Never heard of this before.

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Little plastic or cardboard squares. Used to store collectible coins so they don’t get scratched or whatever…I think.

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Last seeds i sent out by itself i sent in cd movie case and taped it to the plastic case so it wasnt flipping around inside lol. It made it but was still in states so that helps

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That works but this very cheap and effective. And no forms outside us.

I’m in a little place called Tonawanda NY

Yeah I got one ww auto from seedsman, just waiting for the ok to start spending on equipment.

I appreciate the offer on seeds, but I was under impression that sharing of location was a violation of forum rules. If you know a way I’m more than open minded to having you send a few

much bigger space

I have read and seen people on here connect on Instagram for actual connecting

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