So when I do that, what would be the best time of day? The hours I work I have the daylight hours 8p-2p and sleep 2p-8p. Does time of day even make a difference when doing that? Also how hard of a pulling it over would you suggest? We talking like 90° from the rip or like a slow bend to 90° over a few days? Thanks again for any input. I have been doing a lot of research but everyone has there own feelings in regards to how to address trainiy for maximum colas.
You can do it anytime you wish @the.antidote that’s what I’ve been busy doing LST training here is couple plants im working on
Are those pex tubing manifold 90s?
Don’t know what your referring to @the.antidote
What do you call the plastic pieces shaping your stem?
Stress training clips is name of them
You can get them from Amazon this is frist time using them im liking them
Thanks. I am definitely looking into that. I had gotten some coated wire but I feel like the combination of the two would be great.
Yes i use string also what ever works to and wire what ever it takes
The clips are the best thing ever! I use them regularly.
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Plant Benders
Ask @CoyoteCody for advice or ebay sales.
100 qty if growing 15-20 plants.
Design allows tie down capability
That will work @the.antidote nicely done my friend happy growing you want new growth getting light to make branches
Just wanted to post some updates on how it’s going. Upgraded some of the equipment so everything is a bit more regulated. Still have no idea about the sex but I am not sure if I have to flip it into flower daylight hours for that. Everything I read tells me what to look for but I don’t see any signs of pistils or balls yet… That being said we will keep on keeping on. 3 out of 4 seeds started up on the right. Those are feminine and photoperiod. Suga Shine should be the name. 4 of 4 germinated but I think the one didn’t take in the soil. Still keeping an eye on that one. Well back to the point…here are the photo updates for the unknown random seed that started all this.
Hard to strap some branches since it’s over side of pot so much. Did what I could. I think that may be a pre-pistil in the branch closer to the top.
Good job @the.antidote looks great my friend happy growing
Most times I over think things and am indecisive because of it. With all the information out there it makes my head spin. So I thank you and everyone else for taking a bit of time out of your lives to help clarify and give me peace of mind I’m doing things correct. Do you use a reverse osmosis filter? I seen a few things online and am wondering if that is the direction I should be heading when it comes to water. I currently use purchased spring/distilled gallons but I can see that getting pricey as I think I have found my new hobby.
Your tap water is no good to use @the.antidote if not then yes you want to try stay away from buying water because its startes getting pricey. Im in progress of going to the river to get my water im waiting on some 50gal. barrels my tap water is ok but i want it better
Just wanted to provide an update of recent pictures. Been busy so haven’t gotten to browse the forum as much as I wanted to. Any thoughts are always welcomed. Just order more lst clips.
Going back to the water conversation earlier in the thread. I bought a water distiller from Home Depot and it makes about a gallon at a time over a couple hours. I just fill my gallon jugs and run it 1-2 times a day. Just a thought! Happy growing