First time. Pruned possible pest in leaves. Any advice please

So I had random seed and don’t know any background in genetics. Threw it in some soil just because it was first seed I had come across in a while and figured why not. This was end of November beginning December. Leaning towards December. Transplanted it out of random potting soil to fox farms ocean forest in 5 gallon pot just before Christmas. Its been looking great picked up sf1000 light and switched over from basic light I had before last week. Noticed today some leaves looked like had spiral trails. Haven’t topped yet and have never pruned it prior to this. Some posts I read mentioned pruning leaves to stop them. I have attached some pictures of before and after… Also not even sure if it’s female. Not sure if I messed it up. Any thoughts and this appreciated. P.S. I have ordered feminized photoperiod seeds for future grows. Brand new to this and am willing to learn.

2 pictures are from Friday prior to finding pest lines. Others are from a few hours ago. Picture of leaves with issues. Other is after I pruned prior nodes up to first five leaf. Partial leaves on first five leaf node were pruned also due to potential contamination. Any insight is appreciated. Hoping I didn’t mess up. Thanks for reading and any advice.


I would keep a good eye for more spots. Hopefully its a water spot and not insect damage. To be safe, you can go ahead treat it with something safe for marijuana, like captain jacks deadbug.


They look like leaf miners


Neem oil should treat them


Second @GreenJewels on the Captain Jack’s. I use the concentrate and mix at 1.5x strength. I wouldn’t use neem oil past the first few weeks veg and stop use a couple/few weeks before flower. Definitely not in flower as it is absorbed and will not wash away.

You aren’t showing signing of sex so I’m going out on a limb and saying you have a photoperiod plant. You’ve got some stretch so turn that light intensity up if possible, or bring it down a couple of inches. I’d let her fill out. Maybe not top yet, but you can definitely do some heavier LST (low stress training) by bending almost completely over and tying it down. You want those branches to start growing a little more before topping.

You need those leaves, especially in inadequate lighting. A blemish here and there from a pest isn’t going to hurt the plant, as long as the pest problem gets taken care of . Try to avoid clipping or pruning leaves unless there is heavy damage, egg cases or a cluster of pests like aphids or mites.


Welcome to the forum! I third Captain Jacks deadbug.


I fourth it! And @Borderryan22 is spot on with mix strength! I just started a round of Deadbug/ pyrethrin at 1.5 times directed strength. Spray to drench, especially underside, every three days for 4 sprays and mites will be no more! First time those lil bazturds have got me in the winter….


Thank you for input. Will be picking up some of that right away :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for all the information. I had dropped the light down as you brought up. Will be picking up the solution for the pests ASAP. I came back after running 18-6 with the sf 1000 off the plant approx 18" and 75% on dimming and the newest growths look slightly curled or canoed if I read up correctly. I did drop the light down to 50% and still have it at 18" off top of plant. Air temp reading 76° and rh 52%. Soil PH probe reads 6.5 soil. Soil temp reads 73° and it’s probing 59% moisture. I haven’t watered in a couple days. Fear of drowning roots. I believe the leaf canoeing was due to the increased light at closer proximity. I did have it 24" off when I first posted. I am including a picture for reference of how it looks now after changing height and lower dimness to 50% since it seemed to be struggling at 75%. I just changed dimness about 30 minutes ago so picture is showing what it looks like after 6 hours sleep from the 18/6 @ 75% brightness. I am about a month into the Fox farm ocean forest soil and up until pest thing the plant looked super healthy and still looks pretty good overall I believe. I did pick up liquid nutrients but haven’t treated soil since I heard it should be good for 6 weeks on the nutrients from the soil. Let me know if you think there is anything I should be doing otherwise. I appreciate you and everyone reaching out to help me on this. I know it’s a learning curve and plan on perfecting it. I just feel bad the plants my learning curve. It’s not the plants fault :pensive:.

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Looking good. Welcome to the forum. Great people here that won’t steer you wrong. I wouldn’t take any unnecessary leaves off. They are the way the plants get it’s energy.
And yes, The light might be a bit much a the moment. 50 or maybe even 60 % on the dimmer might be about right.
Keep us posted on your journey.

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Welcome aboard. This is a great place to learn for sure.

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Thanks! I was looking through all the awesome information and everyone seemed super chill and helpful. Glad to be a part of the community :smiling_face:.


Thanks for the words of encouragement ha!

Thanks for the comment. I did drop it down to about 50% but raised the light 2" to 20" of top. The one set of leaves still look slightly…i guess crisp at the edges would define it but they are looking better. Still waiting on the soil to be a dryer to water. I love the community so far and am super appreciative for the willingness to share the wealth of knowledge that is amassed here.

For sure. A lot of good people here willing to help if needed and share info.
Great community indeed.


@the.antidote welcome to the family my friend happy growing looks like water got on leaves nothing to worry about nicely done

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It’s so chill in here I have to put on a sweater before I open this forum.

Way different than the cocaine forum. :joy:


I ordered some stuff that should be coming in soon to be a more official personal operation. Just the wife and myself. I wanted to give you a picture update on the plant and thank you and everyone else that has reached out to help me with the first hand advice. Haven’t topped but have been looking into the low stress training you brought up. I am leaning towards that. I don’t think sex organs have developed just yet but in some spots there looks like something may be starting. Still hoping for a bouncing baby girl but even if it isn’t, I have had a good learning curve. One of those items I brought up that I ordered is a humidifier because I have been struggling as it’s gotten bigger to hold that higher humidity. Sorry for the book. It was only supposed to be an update. So onto those money shots. Thank you and everyone else again.


@the.antidote i would pull her over do some training as @Borderryan22 suggested