First Time grower, ilgm Strawberry Kush almost 3wks old

@kabongster those are a bit different then mine lol… Mine are just basically simple fabric pots that they sell in our local hydroponic store lol cost me 3.25

I absolutely would not knowingly buy these pots if made in CHINA.
Just can’t trust there import, So many problems with Lead and other
chemicals in there items sold for children I can only imagine what could
be in the fabric ???.

Probably nothing to worry about BUT I chose not to throw the dice if I
don’t have to

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The main reason I was wondering about domestic.

Luckily I do not have to worry… Mine were made right here in the good US of A lol, however, I do wonder sometimes if things are just marked that way for that exact reason…

For Sure, Assembled in the USA can also be misleading :thinking:

Do fabric pots come with tags " Made in USA"?, or China?

At $1.50 each plus a bulk discount, how long before the $1.50 China pots are sold for $3.00 from a USA seller?

@kabongster it was on the tag that was on it and it said USA but they were 3.75 @ piece at the store I go to for supplies…


That is about what I paid, I have 2- 3 gal cloth pots that said made in USA on the tag. Local hydro store carries them. I didn’t get the handles and when I check my water schedule by how much the pot weights i miss those handles…lol


That’s a price I would be willing to pay. About the same as the round black plastic ones here.

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I’ll check my pots for a tag. They are advertised Made in the USA. 5 gal x 10 is $27.00, I bought on a Tuesday, they shipped end of week. They arrived in a post office priority envelope in 3 days.
I’m not selling Made in China, but without tags, whose to say where they originated.

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How did she turn out?

@ktreez420 still have about 2 weeks left but I think she looks great but this is my first so lol thanks for asking


Quick question guys… I’m gonna be harvesting shortly and I was wondering if I could ask you guys your opinion on something. Should I be leaving them in complete darkness for 32 hours before I harvest? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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one of Roberts tricks is to leave them in full dark for 48-72 hours just before harvest…Hammer

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@Hammer thanks a bunch I thought I read that… Appreciate the speedy response

hey @anne36…one more thing is during this time .lower your RH down to below 50%as low as 20 RH if can … where in the world are you growing ??if you don’t mind me asking …Iam in Alaska. Hammer

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@Hammer in good old Massachusetts lol I’m jealous you’re in Alaska… Always wanted to visit closest I’ve been is Washington… But I’m not jealous of your winters :joy: so far my rh is around 32 hopefully it stays there and not higher thanks again

@anne36 Winters here haven’t been to bad the last few only seen -40 f a couple times .in the last few years …normally it get’s about 50-60 below 0 for a month or 6 weeks in the coldest part …one of the reasons i went under ground years ago and built my room …wanna see a pict ??? ive got rainbow kush,Ssilverhaze and borderliner extreme.going now …and Way over crowded …haha …or should i say oops …:sunglasses: Hammer

What stage are your trichomes …clear ,cloudy. Amber ?? my favorite color.LOL

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@Hammer only -40 degrees lol damn… and I would love to see a pic I’m so amazed at how they grow lol… I would say they are still clear turning cloudy…