How does she look??
Hello Ann,
She is looking really good. When are you planing on traspanting to larger pot?
I agree. She looks good. She looks like her bottom leaves are clawing.
I’m not familiar with that pot I see. What is that? Looks like someone made a purse out of jiffy pots. One of the bag pots I’ve been reading about?
Lmao… Those are 5 gallon fabric pots, so I don’t think I have to transplant do I? I thought 5 was definitely big enough… Bottom leaves were clawing a bit not sure why everyone else is happy… I did clip the clawing leaves last night hoping to direct her energy to the healthy parts… If I’m doing anything wrong please just let me know as this is my first grow ever… Thanks @garrigan420 and @FloridaSon
Hey Anne she looks like my Strawberry Kush at that point.
Actually I forced flower at 3 weeks but that is because I have limited height at 5’5"
Nice looking plant
@Paulcrf thanks… I love hearing that my girl looks good… I am gonna let her veg another 3 weeks just to try to maximize my yield… But 3 weeks from tomorrow I’m gonna switch her over to flowering and then I imagine the fun will really begin… Lol
I was just checking fabric grow pots on eBay…seems there are a lot coming from China in the $1-$2 range and they all look like that fabric, a choice of white and dark colors.
Looking good and you will love the final product! We recently finished one and we love it. She stays pretty short and gets really bushy. Good luck and keep us posted!
@kabongster I read that they are one of the best pots to grow in as they are breathable and allow for sufficient oxygen and draining and such… I love them… My next grow I’m going to do it a lil different and add an inch of small rock to the bottom of the pots then add a lil more perlite… I see where I made mistakes because of ilgm forums and think my next will be a major success so thankful for this site
@Ntense thanks… I’m so excited to start flowering lol
@Paulcrf oh boy
Wow! That is cheap! I look at the prices of the normal pots that I’m used to using and wonder where the BJ is gonna come from! For that price I want more than just a place to grow my plants!
I’ll definitely be looking into those! Do we make them here in the U.S.? I’m not boycotting China or anything, but I do prefer to buy domestic if I can afford it.
No need to thank me. All I really did was ask about your pot.
Not USA based, unfortunately…
@FloridaSon yes I’m on the east coast us I have a hydroponics store locally but you can order them online
Oh well. I have to go online anyway to shop for a pH and TDS pen anyway.
I prefer to shop face to face, but I’ve looked everywhere I can think of locally and can’t find any digital meters. Not aware of any hydro retailers around here, so I guess online is my only other option.
Thank you.
Lol. The largest city in my county is Ocala. As I was growing up it was not so affectionately called “slowcala” .
I’m hoping that if we legalize this year, more supplies will become locally available. I really do prefer to speak directly with the person selling me the product.
Thank you too.
After reading the posts here that started with misinformation, sometimes from the desire to sell a product, sometimes from the store personnel just not knowing…I’d rather post here and get all the advice.
Just think of the total grower/hours spent by the people here. Thousands of hours versus hundreds, maybe a lot less.