Hi people I’m a first time grower and need some help on the basics. I have a 4x4 tent 600w light 400/600w ballast. Basically I was wondering what watt do I need for the first enital seed to soil ???.
I have 4 various auto flowers and I’m yet to soak them in water and then plant and I’m confused in the first enitial lighting process and as cheep as possible do I use LED I’m egar to learn and start my new hobby.
P.s sorry for the grammar I’m dyslexic
Usually people who grow HPS use MH bulbs for veg and switch to HPS for flower. Is that what you have? You can start seeds under a lot of different lights. CFL will be cheapest to start them under and then move them to the big tent once they get established. Or a small powered led set higher up will work too.
Thank you for your reply any help is much appreciated you guys are growing some incredible stuff.
Iv got HPS to flower but was stuck on the initial lighting process and what watt would you suggest as there are 25 watt ect.
Get a MH bulb for veg and start them in the tent if you want. Just make sure you start them around 3 feet above the plant and you can move it down if they begin to stretch too much
Awesome will do and thanks again for the help and would it be ok to ask in the future for help.
Iv been a smoker for 15 years and now it time to do my own as I’m sick of getting bull shit product for crazy money and iv wanted to do this for years.o
Yeah absolutely. Tag me how I’m tagging you @Watters. There’s a lot of good and helpful growers around that will help you out too