I am a first time grower and my plants are not doing well. Bought GG-4 Autoflower seeds back in April and planted seven of them in germination soil inside under lighting. six germinated but got very leggy and the stems couldn’t support the heads so I supported them. i transplanted them outside in May into five gallon buckets using commercial vegetable and garden soil with additional compost added. They are getting full sun and good water but not overwatered…I don;t think. After three months they are bushing out a little but have barely grown… Pictures are below. They are only about 8 inches tall. Ph is about 6.0. i didn’t plant all the seeds so I can start over, but can you advise me what I have done wrong? I know I didn’t follow ideal methods but i didn’t think I was doing anything so bad that my plants would only grow 8 inches in four months.
I would start with some cannabis friendly soil, use larger fabric pots and don’t water them as much.
Thanks. what what would a more cannabis friendly soil have that mine doesn’t?
Mainly the organic amendments that provide the needed macro, micro and beneficial microbes for seedling and veg growth. Nutrients are introduced once the PPMs have dropped below 1000. A PH and TDS pen are pieces of critical gear to have Grow Bro
I’m sure wiser heads will weigh in on this – I’ve only grown outdoors for two years.
But I do know that transplanting plants from indoors to outdoors without hardening them first can severely impact the growth of the plant.
I think the more likely problem is lack of drainage in the pots. The plants look drowned. Even if you’re on a perfect water schedule, drainage is very, very important. There has to be air in that soil so the plant can breathe!
The first grow is always a steep learning curve. Stay in there and you’ll be growing with the best of them soon.
It looks to like these plants flowered and finished. The plant with the whole flower circled is bud rot, the smaller circles look like they’re full of seeds. Study up a little bit before your next run. Ask questions and get answers. This is the place for that. Welcome!!!
growing outdoors in large pots is a skill that needs to be learned.Using a excelent medium(Foxfarm ocean blend)is step 1,researching the proper ph waterlevel for your strain is Step 2.Using a really good nutreint like CalMag Plus is Step 3.Combining these 3 steps with frequent misting will help assure that your not wasting your time…P.S.balancing your water with the proper amount of nutrient will all but ensure you of a positive grow session
Thanks a lot. I understand the ph meter. What does the Tds meter do for me. What is the PPMs you refer to?
Thank you. I did put drainage holes in the bottom of the pails, but maybe there was just too much heavy soil holding the water. I did try to let them dry out before watering. I also put some straw as mulch around the top. Maybe that was a mistake.
Thanks. Yes, they did seem to be flowering out but they are only about 8 inches tall which I know is not normal.
They can flower any time and at any size. Ive had them flower at just 4 inches. Thats why I dont do autos.
TDS is Total dissolved Solids, PPM is parts per million of the TDS. The TDS pen is used to mix and measure nutrients per the manufacturer’s recommendation.
I think that is what is happening to me, I have some autoflowers a month or so in, germinated in water and started in pots. I am getting a bunch of silk hairs stacked. WTF shouldn’t the growing phase be at least 3 months on the autoflowers?
thx Ted sorry to butt into the thread.
Welcome to the community , members have you covered. I will add growing photo plants More forgiving You might consider next grow. Happy growing
Not at all. I’ve had autos flower at just three weeks above ground. Photos are much more forgiving and much easier to control. With autos you’re pretty much at their mercy. I’ll throw a couple autos on my deck and let them do their thing but that’s as far as it goes, we have a mutual hate for one another. There are definite experts on here with autos but I’m not one of them.
Autos should be 10-12 weeks start to finish. Photos will veg until the daylight hours begin to shorten around August in most of the US. Which is generally around 3 months, then another 8-12 weeks in flower. Hope that helped. Stay growing!
10 to 12 for an auto, ok that would make sense but to start flowering at a month? Dosen’t make any sence the this would continue for two more months, does it?
thx for the help
Absolutely fine. Remember, it could be finished in 6 more weeks. I’ve attached pictures of a 10 week and 11 week auto run. Hope they help.
Autos can show sex and start flowering as early as 3 weeks above ground due to the ruderalis gene.on the autos I grow, estimate 28-35 days in veg after the 14 day seedling period. Autos need a great start for the 1st three weeks, environmental conditions, lighting and nutrients need to be in point or the auto will start flowering without any real growth. I’ve seen them 8” and in flower