First Time doing LST, how does it look?

This is my first time doing LTS so I wanted to drop a photo and see if it looked okay and if anyone had any pointers. It’s day 29 in the photo.


Looking pretty good just try to keep the canopy as even as possible.
Topping and training is my second favorite part of the process next to smoking it when it’s done. It’s like a bonsai that you get to see almost immediate results.


Awesome, thank you! I’d probably have to agree with you. I’ve looked forward to this process from the start and I am excited to be doing it. How long should I expect for the lower stuff to start catching up with the rest? I know it’s hard to say. It seems like she’s been a slow grower.

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At this point probably daily, once it gets going you could pretty much sit there with your coffee and watch it get bigger :joy:

By tipping it over you are breaking the apical dominance in the plant causing it to spend more energy on side growth rather than just the main stem. All she wants to do is make a pretty flower that will get pollinated to keep itself going. When it realizes the top shoot isn’t ideal anymore it send it’s energy everywhere trying to find a way to carry on.


Again, much appreciated for the help. I took a look at her just a min ago and it does seem like the base of the other stems are starting to bulk up slightly. :smiling_face:

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You can also pinch the stems of those lower branches and it will help speed them up a little. Just enough that you can feel the stem squish just a little. Don’t flatten them and only pinch one or two at a time or it doesn’t work as well.