I’ve grown in a greenhouse the past, just auto’s. This year I wanted to try non-auto’s but that would put me into December in Michigan so I bought a tent and thought well how hard can it be, lol. I’ve got an 8x4 tent with 8 super silver haze growing. I have 2 1500w led lights with veg and bloom switches on them. I’m growing in fox farm soil and watering with ph water. the last watering and added bat guano tp the water for a little nitrogen. I have the lights and ventilation running 24/7 and did have both the grow and bloom lights on, I’ve switched off the bloom, not knowing if that’s what was causing the problem with the leaves. The leaves are crispy to the touch. I’m including pictures of the leaves so that you can see my problem and maybe give me some advice or let me know what you think the problem could be.
Which FF soil are you using. If it is Ocean Forest you shouldn’t be feeding them at all. Soil looks fairly dry, not a bad thing, but could contributing to the problem. Drought to flood is a good idea when watering but got be careful not to let them go to long between watering. Let’s see what soil you are in and go from there.
I’m using happy frog. Using a probe tip keep an eye on water. I know the top may look dry but the probe says it’s okay, but I did give them a little drink not as much as usual just in case that wad the problem. I’ve been water every other to every third day but never let them get to dry.
OK I’m guessing your girls are about a month old. HF usually will usually keep nutrient levels for growth for about four weeks. Bat guano is mostly good for nitrogen with some phosphorus. Looking at your leaves I’m thinking it’s a phosphorous deficiency. Depending on how much longer you keep them inside and also if you are putting them in the ground you may need to start some type of nutrients. I don’t have enough actual experience yet so I’m going to tag some people who can tell how wrong I may be. Even if I’m not wrong they will be able to possibly give you better advice on how to deal with issue. @Covertgrower @Myfriendis410
Looks like older, beat up leaves. I’d forge on like you’re doing.
Yeah thats the problem, they are not, seems like I prune the bad leaves and 1-2 days later there’s more
Yes they are a month old. The bat guano that I’m using is 9-3-1. I did get some Fox Farm plant food yesterday, so I’ll give that a try and see how it does. I did not plan on taking these outside. I have a green house full of auto’s right now. I was going to top these and scrog. I do appreciate you forwarding this. Any help I can get I’d appreciate. At the rate it’s going I’m goin to just have stalk left here soon.
What are your temps and humidity levels running?
Also, not that this is the cause of your leaf problems, but I like to give plants time to rest or sleep. It’s my understanding that they need it, so I run 18/6 on autos after 2 weeks old.
The temp is 75-80 and humidity is right at 56% but that’s up a little from where it usually is, it’s usually right around 50%. I was thinking of taking it to 18/6 also, however these aren’t auto’s. The auto’s are out in the greenhouse. Thanks
Hey Bulldognuts, were you able to reach out to anyone. The problem is getting worse by the day. I’ve gone to 18/6, starting yesterday. I gave them fox farm plant food, and the leaves are just turning black, curling up, and drying out. Sure could use a little help. If I can’t get it here on the forum I’m pretty much lost. Here are a couple more pics of the problem leaves. I think I’ll start a new thread maybe someone will chime in, it seems like this one my have runs its course. Thanks.
Don’t start a new thread. They will just move it back over to this thread.
How about filling this out. Please be as detailed as possible. For example: if soil; WHAT soil? WHAT lights and distance and power. This will help greatly to help you.
COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non applicable)
- What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
- Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
- Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
- PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
- PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
- Indoor or Outdoor
- Light system
- Temps; Day, Night
- Humidity; Day, Night
- Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
- AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
- Co2; Yes, No
Always try to upload a clear picture of any issues you may have to allow the community to assist you.
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer should be included. Feel free to elaborate, but short and to the point questions and facts will help us help you in a more efficient manner
I know you’ve already given some info but the service ticket puts it all in one place for ease of the next person who comes along.
@RandomlyRan is right on about filling out support ticket. Lots of people more experienced than me can help. I was going to tag some in to help out. By having all the info in one location they can sort this out pretty quick.
I’m sorry but I don’t understand. Start a new thread, service ticket. I dont see anywhere to put in a service ticket. I’ve filled out the info but don’t know what to do with it. I’m not to savy on using forums, other just going through and reading. anyway here’s what you asked for, Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated.
• Strain: Super Silver Haze, ILGM
• Method: Soil, Happy Frog
• Vessels: Pots
• PH of Water, 6 - 6.3
• PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
• Indoor Tent Grow 8x4
• Light system, LED 1500w x2 at 30” above
• Temps; 73 – 79 Degrees
• Humidity; 58%
• Ventilation system; Yes, 8”
• No - AC, Humidifier, or De-humidifier,
• Co2; No
Hey guys can you help out with @Cbrinson issue @Covertgrower @Hellraiser @Skydiver here’s some pics and above is the support ticket.
It looks like a phosphorus deficient. It’s difficult to tell.
I really think whatever issue you may have had, has been solved. All of your new growth looks great, the fan leaves are always the first to go. If you added it like you said.
Stick with complete fertilizers and you’ll be ok. Hopefully you got the whole fox farm trio and not just one bottle?
I bought the fertilizer and the big bloom. I’ll get the plant food next time I’m out.
3 posts were split to a new topic: Help for new grower with autoflower