I have grown a couple of ak47 autos which I just stuck in a pot in my garden and they seemed ok (did ask a question on the forum). I now have a tent and have the following setup.
I am only growing 1 plant and have a 2 x 2 tent, a 250w dual cfl plus an extractor fan with a carbon filter and of course the obligatory grip fan.
My seed went into paper on Sunday morning and today I planted it into my small pot with about a 1/2-3/4" tap root. I am using new potting soil mixed with sand and perlite.
The small pot is just sitting on top of the 5 gallon pot (small tent, limited space) until its time to transplant. I am hoping to try LST on the plant, watched loads of videos but I am sure Ill be asking questions, to try and fill it up. Its all just for me and as I only have 1 small tent, I am hoping that I can get enough to last me through to the next harvest as I dont have a vedge and a flower room
83.1. It looks closer than it is. Its about 2" above the 5 gallon pot and its down inside it by about another inch and then the bulb is about 1" inside the batwing. so its not really that close. I can put my hand underneath and hold it no trouble
I read somewhere that the light needed to be a couple of inches above until it surfaced. I moved it up about a foot away but always happy to take advice from people who know better. Do you think I should move it higher?
Hey Scowners, I have a similar set up and my tent is only 5’5" tall so LST comes in handy and I am in early flower with my first SCROG.
I use a 125w CFL for seedlings and I place it about as close as your pick without a problem. You may want to adjust a little due to using a 250w but I thought seedlings liked it warm and humid, that being said I use a dome for seedlings
I also only grow one plant- 2 max
This is Betty and she is ILGM white widow
Temps are low 74.6 and high 78.2 - lights on 18/6
Humidity is only 42%
PH is 7 which is a worry although the plant looks fine and I imagine that once I feed it nutrients that will bring the PH down in any case (not imminent I should point out of course). Its just whats in the soil right now.
Do you think I should do something now? Great if I can do it with something in the house rather than buy it (wife has already given me a hard time about how much I have spent…she isnt a smoker )but if not then I will have to fib a bit lol.
Temp is a bit low, early 70’s so have moved the light a bit closer to warm the room up although it has been pretty chilly today.
Been looking about at dwc on the forums today but it all seems a little difficult, compared to soil, stick in the seeds, water it a bit and its pretty forgiving. dwc on the other hand seems to be 1 drop out and you kill your plants and loads of maintenance. Is the extra effort really worth it compared to a soil grow?