They all look Healthy and Happy! Relax don’t try and do everything that you are learning on your first grow. If you are doing to many things it will make it harder to determine the cause of the problem. My first grow i had too much hands on caused the grow to end pre maturely! Once i slowed down and took a less is more approach i had more success and less problems!
I need some reassurance and constructive criticism here. I’m 5 weeks into flowering. Getting a lot of foliage yellowing and lowers leaves browning. I think it’s normal as they plant is using up mutes for bud production. Grand daddy purple.
RH 31%
PPM 981
Temp 74.4
pH 6.2
Your temps, humidity, and ph look fine but your ppms are a little low for the middle of flower.
The yellowing around the leaf margins appears to be a Potassium deficiency.
Oh yeah… it’s a Hydro DWC
Considering its hydro, your ph could come down a little too.
Sorry, @BornHigh420 not trying to take over your thread lol
Thank you. I’ll try to bump the ppm this feeding and knock down the ph to around 6. Sound logical?
I jacked your thread. Sorry bout that.
Fox Farm Ocean Forest is a pretty “hot” mix. Next time try starting your seedlings in Fox Farm Light Warrior. It is a lighter mix more suitable for little baby plants. Once the plants are established, switch to Ocean Forest when you transplant to the fabric pots.
Ya my understanding ff ocean and forest is better used for veg and flower. But if used for seedlings you should cut it or use happy frog or any preferred potting mix. I wouldn’t flush unless it gets much worse but should be good.
@Bulldognuts I’ve topped them already and I plan to LST them.
6 would work, but I think 5.5 is the sweetspot for all soilless mixes.
Just picked this up, adding it to every feed from now on
Does anyone have any experience with this stuff?
Looks good, are you going for bushy? Or do you have plenty of height under your light?
I’ve got plenty of height of height to work with so I’m gonna try manifolding
Here’s today’s update
Sorry for my absence, I’ve been busy gathering supplies over the last few days as I wanted to stock up on food a little bit in spite of what’s going on in the world
So here’s how my plants are doing, all in veg.
Only problem is, I’ve began using LST, and being this is my first time, I snapped one of the branches, but I’m not really sure when it happened and the branch doesn’t appear to be dying, but it also isn’t completely severed. What’s my best best to do with this branch?
@MrPeat @elheffe702 @Myfriendis410 @Chasworks @Bulldognuts @Davyg
Could someone give me some insight on the issue I mentioned above? Any and all info is greatly appreciated. Thank you
You can use aloe vera and a ziptie and bam, problem solved. Long as the branch is still attached, it should recover.
What HE said haha!
I agree with them!