First grow journal purple bud

Here’s my Purple bud feminised at 9 weeks. Just transplanted into 5 gallon pots and doing well, I think. I’m monitoring my ppm runoff and feeding when it drops below 800ppm. My lights are 600 watt mh on 18/6. Thoughts ?


Set to watch. Good Luck.


Temps are between 68-82f and humidity is at 40% so here goes :sunglasses:

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Looking good, keep doing what your doing.

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Set to watch your purple bud good luck.


The two in the foreground are Blueberry x Skunk autos. Won’t be buying those again. Two died, one started to flower about 4 inches tall and looks like a strawberry plant complete with 4 runners. Really odd looking thing, the other shot up to around 3 foot tall and needed super cropping to reign it in. Yields on both are really poor as well :roll_eyes:

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You never know sometimes with autos… They do some crazy stuff on there on

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Agreed, I’ve grown Northern Lights auto and they were great but this lot are dire. Seems to be pot luck with the some of these hybrids

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When these 2 sets of photos are finished… I’ll run auto’s next… Fingers crossed!! I’ve seen some mighty fine yields On here,

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Good luck, looking forward to seeing the results

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Same here brother… Watching!

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Stretching, already sitting at 17"

My monster clone as well


Disaster tonight, my auto watering system went belly up and no idea why. Looks like 100ltrs of water flooded my tent. Overflowed my anti spill tray and is now coming through the ceiling, water everywhere. Wife will be a pain tonight :scream:
On a plus note my ladies are growing an inch a day. Just shows you, every cloud has a silver lining :sunglasses:


Getting bigger now 25".
8" in 6 days.


27th January and that’s me flipped to 12/12. Had to do a bit of super cropping as leaves were burning. 9 weeks and counting, game on :sunglasses:

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Looking good, just keep up with the light as she stretches so she don’t burn, but looks like you have it figured out! Stay with the course and don’t do anything crazy… Lol
That sucks about the water… Figure out what happened yet?

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I think a valve jammed open with my auto pot and emptied my water butt which I had just filled :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. I super cropped last night so they’re around 2 foot tall now. I got caught out with my last grow and ended up with a heap of larfy buds. Not happening this time, just checking out the pros and cons of whether to defoliate or not

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It hard for me to not leave them alone so I’m probably not the best one to give defoliation advice… Lol but I’m not going to pluck like a usual do on my auto’s and see if it makes a difference. removing leaves let’s in air and light in just don’t take more than 30% when it gets closer to the end you can get aggressive with it. There are some who grow and looks like they never touch them and have HUGE yields… All those leaves it what make the photosynthesis happen.

I think I’m with you on this one. I will remove for air and light. The rest can stay for a while yet

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Just a wee update on how my girls are doing. I’ve just super cropped them so they’re looking a bit sorry for themselves

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