First grow ever - named Frankie

Your runoff pH is much lower than the pH going in. Your soil is likely too acidic.

You might try adjusting your pH in to around 7.0 in an effort to bring the soil pH up to around 6.0 - 6.3. Ideally the pH for soil is 6.5.

This would be a very good idea.

A different soil may work better for you.


I agree with @merlin44, first thing is to get the soil ph correct or the plant may not be able to take up any nutrients you feed.

Flush with water ph-ed to 7.0 until the run off is up around 6.5


Seeing how Iā€™m a hydro grower, I go about pH and ppmā€™s a little different only because hydro has direct access to the nutrients.

But, the plants from what Iā€™ve noticed and the way other soil growers water and feed will react about the same way, maybe slower in soil.

Seeing how being a new grower, with all the new terms, different things to know, can almost be overwhelming. Developing good watering habits when using soil is of the utmost importance along with nutes and pH. All of this will come in time.

It does look like some inconsistent watering from your last couple of pictures. Although soil growers tend to water, dry, water, knowing how much water comes in time.

Also, having a good reliable pH meter is supper important. We can usually get away with a cheap ppm/tds meter but not a pH meter. Hopefully you have that covered.

Overall, I think your plant looks great! No need to panic. I canā€™t say too much more than what @Caligurl and @merlin44 have already said. They would be whom I would go to if I needed help with soil grows, as well as other issues.

Keep in mind, when a plant goes through a transition from veg to flower, the roots grow like
crazy. Itā€™s not uncommon to get a blemish every now and then. Sometimes a plant may outgrow the amount of nutes it can take up, resulting in a deficiency or two.

Based on numbers alone, provided you have a good pH meter, your numbers are telling me sheā€™s hungry. I donā€™t know your previous readings but if they were higher and theyā€™ve dropped after you watered, Iā€™d say time to feed if you havenā€™t already.

Watering at a higher pH will do the trick to bring up your pH like merlin44 said and knowing numbers of your soil like caligirl said will help as well.

Good luck and keepā€™em growin! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


@Caligurl @merlin44 the ppm going in is 485. What adjusts ppm? And what should it be at?

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PPM is an indicator of how many dissolved solids are in your water. Adding nutrients will raise your PPM number.

Having higher PPM out than PPM in indicates that your plant MAY not be consuming nutrients. That could be due to pH being out of range.


Thank you to everyone that is responding and helping. This can be overwhelming at times and I worry about killing her but I tell her that sheā€™s doing good. Thereā€™s so many things to remember!


What kind of soil did you use for this plant?
What kind of nutrients are you using?


You wouldnā€™t believe how much water flushing has NOT achieved 6.5 run-off.
Dolomite added to soil, way too late. Should have been in original mix.
Plants in flower, so water-boarding hurts me, more than them.
Good growing to you, too.

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Correct, and depending upon which nutrients, the PH of your feed-water will change. PH feed-water after mixing and after allowing to stand before utilization. Mix small batches and learn your feed chemicals. 3-2-1 will take my city water 8.5/150 and turn out 6.7PH with 1100 PPM.


Yup, slowly raise the amount of nutrients and remember changes donā€™t happen immediatelyā€¦ youā€™ll need to observe how she reacts to the additional nutes.


Oh, and I know this sounds easy, but relax and enjoy the grow. They are pretty resilient little ā€˜weedsā€™. Since growing outdoors, there is much less control over all this stuff so Iā€™ve been learning to ā€˜listenā€™ to what they are trying to tell me.


I am using FFOF on outer edge of pot and FFHF on inside. Iā€™d say 80% is HF. I also mixed in perlite. Right now Iā€™m using Bergmans Bloom and just started CalMag last water.

I flushed with 7.0 and now runoff ph is 6.25. Ppm still seems off. I didnā€™t add nutes to a couple of the flushes and the beginning was 274 and runoff was 922. When adding nutes it was 785 in and runoff around 1200-1400

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Correction Bergmans Growtime

A young seedling or a cutting (clone) will respond well to a ppm of around 500-600 and will respond positively to an increase of about 850 ppm during the medium and late stages of vegetative growth. During the flower stage, optimum parts per million rises to 1000-1100. Our sacred plants enjoy increased parts per million as they grow.


My outdoor plants grow fine without me. Then, they are too high and too bushy for the comming rain and winds. Learning Outdoor growing 101. Loving them daily


This right here is telling you she was locked out. Because the ph of the soil was off the plant couldnā€™t absorb the nutrients and they just built up in the soil.

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Dolomite added will help lessen this problem, I sure hope, or my girls will be having difficulties like above, againā€¦

I was having the same problems. Just did a bathtub flush and will resume feeding tomorrow.


Sheā€™s looking worse today.


Iā€™m gonna leave all the nutes and stuff for others, but what I will say is, your plant has gone through a lot with all the flushes and even just handling a plant can cause them to droop.

Theyā€™ll droop just before going to sleep and theyā€™ll droop just before waking up, and then throw a bunch of water on top of that and theyā€™ll droop some moreā€¦ shezz!

But, itā€™s just like they got a heavy rain outside. They really look wet which is to be expected. Theyā€™ll dry out and perk up.

As far as your numbers, they look good to me. Maintain your numbers according whatā€™s been recommended and make sure your lights are at the right height and good air circulation.

I think if you give her a couple of days, youā€™ll get a better idea of how she responds to getting her numbers dialed in better.

Also making sure your pH meter is calibrated. It has been known to get lots of folks including myself.

Good luck and keepā€™em growin! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:

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