First grow ever - named Frankie

More growing. She’s 4 weeks now. Still smaller than other plants I see but I’m happy she’s growing more every day.

@Spiney_norman @merlin44 @GomBoo @Graysin @DEEPDIVERDAVE At what point do I start feeding nutes? And how often and how much should I be watering at this stage? I’m a complete novice here.


Also the pot has FFOF on the outside then mainly FFHF. I see that there is a little bit of yellow on the tips of a few leaves. I’m going to try to take a better pic

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You should be fine for another couple of weeks or more before you need to feed. Your soil is quite sufficient for now and the plants roots have not grown to fill the pot yet.

You should only water when the soil in the root zone has dried since the previous watering. Many folks lift the pot to see when it feels light and then water to slight runoff.

Your plant looks fine to me and is on track for its age, more or less.


Agreed here. She’s so deep green it definitely isn’t time to feed her yet.


@Fallingstar can you take close-up of plant above? Is that a male plant?

I can try. What part of the plant do you want to see? Sorry like I said I’m new to this and kind of winging it.

How’s this?

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It’s way to early to know sex. Thats new growth. I’m doing ww photos. They really don’t need much right now. Your soil will carry you out to 5-6 weeks with no nutes. At your stage I watered every third day, and just enough to barely run out. It’s tough to do in a 3 gal pot at your stage and that’s why most start in solo cups. Easier to control watering and will dry faster. Welcome to the forum.

These are 7 wks old white widow


Why would some of the leaves be turning brown?


Anything that touches the top of the medium tends to slowly die - I don’t totally understand the science of why, but know that it isn’t uncommon. You can remove them without ill effect

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So she doesn’t look very healthy. I don’t know what to do. I water about 2OZ every 3 days. Though I noticed she’s still wet when I stick my finger down in the soil some I’m waiting a couple more days and will check again.

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You need to water more when you do water. 2 ounces is no way enough to be generating any runoff. Not saying more frequently, just with more volume.

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Thank you! I watered her pretty good, about 20% runoff. That helped a ton!


She’s really grown since my last post. This morning She has some rusting leaves. I’m not sure what to do

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She’s looking better. Am I supposed to top

her yet?

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I would absolutely not top her at all at this juncture. She’s already so deep into flower, all topping would achieve is removing bud sites from the plant and not increasing any yields.


Having more issues with leaf discoloration. I fed to a good runoff. Ph going in was 6.54. Coming out it was 5.56. Ppm runoff was 1377, lower than the previous water.


Hmmm. Gonna grab a few sets of eyes. I’m afraid I’m only good at spotting deficiency sometimes

@Caligurl @merlin44 @Bulldognuts @AfgVet @Covertgrower @HappyHydroGrower thoughts?


I see a few things… nutrient splash, calcium deficiency, phosphorus deficiency, maybe Nitrogen toxicity…

All that being said, I always ask if you have you checked the ph of your soil?

You noted what PPM of runoff is but what was PPM of solution you fed her?