Hey everyone it’s my first time growing these are Bruce banner Autos , do they look healthy? And how do you tell when the transition to vegetation stage ?
Your ladies look beautiful. Your currently in the veg stage. As an auto it will flip when it wants to. Times vary as each one has its own individual phenotypes so you could end up with some flowering sooner than others but being an auto you shouldnt have any issues with your light schedule when that time comes. Bruce banner in my experience (when i grew photoperiod bruce banner) was a very fast and agressive grower so im sure you’ll have your hands full in no time
welcome to the community. the ladies look great. Happy growing
Bruce is a beast and the smell is so LOUD beware
Auto have they own timer so keep her healthy and keep temperature and ph in check youll be goood its all about keeping plant happy
Welcome to the community!
Welcome to your new happy place The ladies look nice and healthy
Thank you! I think I am most nervous about doing some trimming if I have too lol
Yeah I am hoping that the carbon filter helps with that lol
Thank you everyone!
Welcome!!! They look great!
@Rahl Looking off to a good start here!! Welcome to the group!! Post updates often, we love the bud porn!! That plus I’m getting ready to drop some BB beans myself!! Got my full attention!!
Looks Great!!
They look healthy as and there happy keep it up and ur plants will reward you with a good harvest
If your worried about trimming then tuck leaves instead. Eventually you’ll need to trim off leaves as they die because in flower that can lead to bud rot. When trimming its better to start slow and take few leaves as to not stress your plants any. Essentially your wanting to open up tight spaces for better airflow and light penetration. Also too many leaves paired with high humidity can lead to mold. There is a lot to look into and i always suggest using that search bar at the top for your questions as there is an endless amount of info here
looking great, they will be growing really fast now
Looking good