Just wanted to log my journey. Planted bag seeds on May 2. Germinated with paper towel method. After germination i put them into what I believe is a 1 gallon pot in MG. I’m using 3 CFL bulbs 75w each. about 4-5 inches from the plant.(using light clamps purchased from home depot to clamp lights to pot). I have replaced the soil to FFOF 2 days ago as i was noticing what i believed to be nute burn, and they seem to be doing better. I have ordered a ph meter and fabric pots to transplant into after they are a little bigger. Tent will be coming soon. Just wanted to share my story and get advice from anyone that cares to read. Have a great day!
Off to a great start! Good move on the soil swap.
PS - While you’re waiting for your tent (I assume you have ventilation stuff in the works, too) you might want to put a small fan nearby, not directly on them, but just enough to create enough of a breeze for them to ‘wiggle’ a little. That will help strengthen the stems, and the fresh air will help them transpire and grow.
I do have a small fan on them that stays on just can’t see it in the photos… and the filter is coming with the tent! appreciate the advice
@Covertgrower any ideas? I’m pretty new to the community so unsure who i should ask/tag.
I’m def a newb, but those look overwatered too me. I could be wrong.
More than likely the MG soil. MG is not good for cannabis plants. Stay away from any soil that has nutrients in it already. Try to find some Promix or Fox Farms Happy Frog or Ocean Forest and replant them they’ll thank you for it. Sorry didn’t see that you already swapped soil good call!
I don’t feel like it’s over watering as i only mist the soil around the tap root every few days. i could be wrong though as this is my first time. just looks completely different then the other and both seeds are from the same nug in some dro i had gotten, and they were planted at the same time
Could be after effects of the MG soil.
Twisty from the nitrogen. If this is miracle grow, I would suggest a transplant when they get a little older. You’ll be facing a lot more issues later in your grow.
already swapped soil to ffof.
Then you’re all set.
What they said Sorry I’m late to the party. Does look a little bit wet, just from how dark the soil looks, but that could be the lighting, too. You’re there in person, and can tell best. But it IS very easy to overwater a small plant in a large container. FFOF is a tad hot for seedlings, but they will get settled and start to look better. FFOF is perfect for cannabis, has enough to get you most of the way through veg, if not all the way plus a week or two into flowering. But most that use it start their seedlings in something lighter like Happy Frog, or even just straight peat, coco, etc., then pot up to the hotter stuff. You can start seeds in FFOF, most strains will burn a little, some more than others. One looks a little better than the other…that could simply be genetics, like one sister taller than the other. Or one may have just taken the transplant better. The browning at the tips is nutrient burn. The wetter the soil is, the more they can eat, too. Let them dry up and keep some fresh airflow NEAR them. You don’t want it right on them…just enough to make them wiggle a little. Once the soil dries out some, you’ll see them perk up and start growing faster. Then, wait until they start to look a little upset, droopy like. Get a feel for what the container feels like when it’s dry. That way, you know when it’s getting close, and it’ll give you an idea of just how much moisture is in there that you don’t realize. Then, give them maybe a 1/2 cup, max, straight water (no nutrients) at a time for now (I know that doesn’t sound like much, but too much is much worse), in a circle out around the plant, not right on the stem. That will make the roots want to reach out for it and get settled into that yummy soil sooner. Don’t worry about tagging anyone specific. You can ask questions here when you run into them and someone will pop in to help.
@dbrn32 was wondering if this light okay for a 2x2x4 tent… I only plan on growing one plant. of the 2 that i have and i expect one at least to be male. if by some miracle both are female i will give one to a friend as i don’t think both would fit in the tent… i’ve been reading this forum like crazy and it seems you’re the goto light guy i see everyone asking. so i hope you don’t mind if ask
Probably a little small for that style of light.
Hey Breezy, how long from when you put your seeds in soil or medium, did they pop up? Im a first timer as well, started my seed on May 8th it took 8 days to pop up
the bigger plant pictured sprouted same day. the other one took 2 days
Wow, your probably working with fresh quality seeds? I have no experience and only 1 seed from a random bag years ago. I guess thats why mine took 8 days to rise. Thanks for the response, I’ll be following your grow for sure. Lot of knowledgeable folks on this site
my seeds were bag seeds from some smoke i got