So I am underway with first grow now. Need some advice. Put 5 Northern Light auto seeds into small clear cups with distilled water on Wednesday. All 5 were floaters. As of now 51 hours later they are all still floating and none have cracked. Added a few drops of hydrogen peroxide about 3 hours ago. I know ILGM states 24 to 72 hours so am I just being impatient? Cups are in a cabinet to keep dark. It’s cold here so my temps are probably between 70 during the day down to 64 or so at night. I bought a heating pad for a small seedling tray/dome that I planned on using once tails came out with rapid rooters. Should I use that heat mat now under the cups of water?
Have you stirred that water recently?
I have not just moved them once to put the h2o2 in.
Yup use a spoon and stir gently or poke the seed, after 24 hours it should sink. If it does sink then its saturated and can be removed to either be placed in a moist paper towel or directly planted in pre moisturizing soil of your choosing. Ideally non fertilized! At least until the second set of true leaves begin to appear.
I would try to keep them warmer . The heat mat would help keep the temperature constant .
Thanks guys. I will stir them and use the heat mat. Fingers crossed!
Stirred and gently poked each one and they sunk to the bottom. Put heat mat under them about an hour ago.
They’re ready for the next step.
You suggest not letting them sprout a tail first?
Let them get a tail, that way you know they’ve sprouted, and not left guessing. @Wolffe41
Ok then. 10-4
Welcome to the forum @Wolffe41 . Just be careful with heating mats . If it gets to hot you can cook ya seeds and seedlings .
This sounds weird but works great for me. I put there cups in a in a Dutch oven to protect them from light. Then I put them in the oven with the light on. The light heats the oven to a nice 80 degrees. 18-24 hours the are ready for the paper towel. Make sure to put a big sign on oven not to use. I use a piece of tinfoil and a sharpie. That way the sign is big and I can hang over the oven controls.
A lesson learned the hard way?
I had sour dough bread culture in the oven one time. It wasn’t really meant to be baked but it was. Ended yah experiment pretty fast.
I baked 4 seeds like they were cookies with a mat
Can’t imagine cooking em…what a bummer! Checked an hour ago and 3 of 5 have sprouted a tail. Hoping other two crack soon. Will be putting into rapid rooters shortly and into the dome tray with heat map.
Two out of 5 poking out. I have them und 36wcfl tube light. Should I do anything different at this point? Also believe my tap water is high in Ph. From some tests it looks to be in the mid 7 range. What is the best way or easiest way to lower it for watering? As always appreciate all the help!
@Wolffe41 I use general hydroponics ph down. Which is diluted phosphoric acid. You can purchase straight phosphoric acid but you only need DROPS.
Other than waiting for the rest to come out of the rooters, it’s a waiting game.