Once you get that light and transplant them they will blow up for sure…and the 6/2 schedule that Yoshi brought up is a good idea…once they get bigger you’ll notice before lights out that they will start getting droopy and they are “going to sleep” because they had enough daily light intake. Breaking it up like that gives them a break and they do most of their growing when the lights are off.
@yoshi Is the trellis you’re talking about the netting like material that you hang above your plants? Could I also bend and secure them as well? I don’t want to top them because I don’t know when/how to do it and don’t want to make a grave mistake.
I am definitely going to implement the 6/2 schedule as soon as I transplant them! Would it be too early as they aren’t exactly two weeks old or is two the two week seedling stage a basic rule of thumb?
@MadamCalamity I am super excited about getting my new stuff! I can’t wait to see the improvement it makes.
What type of hood are you using with your hps/mh setup? If it’s the air cooled hood, would you mind taking some pictures of how you set yours up? I think I know what I’m doing but I’d love to double check!
Side note: I got my pH pen and then realized that it doesn’t read EC… So now I have a nice Apera pH pen Just order an EC meter/pen yesterday… Good grief.
I also order the book “Coco for Cannabis” which comes in today and am super excited to read more about the specifics of growing in Coco! Then I’ll at least have a reference book along with this amazing community! Happy Growing All!
If it’s any consolation, the one that does all is almost 3 times the price
I got it figuring shipping on separate pens would almost even out to the $145 pen
@MadamCalamity and @Hempqueen9 I’m the human version of the books , but over time you guys will get to know of me . @Hempqueen9 your Apera should read EC it should be the one that shows us/cm that’s EC and you read it in the thousands makes sense ? Than it should be ppm are it’s different model . I just broke my Lil glass bubble on mines the other day and had to order a new one that should come today I supposed, I need to get my ilgm autos in the dirt for outside. This will be super interesting . Since I’ve read on the 6/2 schedule and from my experience as of now I started on 24/0 until they popped up and went to 6/2 since and they are growing like crazy, the gg4 is ridiculous already , I can already tell it’s going to be very disrespectful to the other 3 if they don’t get on the move cause that gg4 love nitrogen and white light it’s going crazy since I’ve added 160 watts of 6000k bright white Led power in there . I hoping the others get on the move so I can get the net in there are I’ll have to start training the gg4 now to try and keep it under control before I initiate the blue magic which I’d 9-58-8 to build the roots up for budding phase and once I give them that blue magic , it will be a constant battle I know cause the gg4 loved it , the other 2 is my first go at them ever so I have no knowledge to share on what they might do after the blue magic . But you can used cha-ching if you want are any other brand.
Now I strongly suggest, Please get at least 6-8 grows first before you start using the high concentrated time release fertilizers please cause they will absolutely fry your roots and your plants if you don’t know how to break down the N.P.K. percentages. Now if you know of the Lucas formula and you want to learn on how , than research find out what N.P.K. ratio works best for vegging and budding plants , that blooms and roots and once you master 10-30-10 and in the right stages and timing in the plants growth , the only other thing is to learn how to cure and water cure and you golden . Hopefully it won’t take you as long as I did to get the curing part right , but it requires time just as much as growing . Now slow drying is the trick , you must get the drying part right to get the smell right , if you miss the drying part , it won’t have that loud gas smell but it will still smoke and be good bud , it just won’t funk out the whole damn house the second you even barely cracked open the jar . Soon as I Crack it to grab a bud , she holler , it fucking stinks ! Go to your side of the house with that stinky pass smelling shit please ! I love it but it took a long time to finesse that and it’s tricky , you must check it at least every 2-4 hours after day 10 drying in the right climate . I used the tent or a small closer with a humidifier and a fan seems to be working but it’s really my hvac system on the house which I used to control my Temps in the tent when I put the Revolution Eva Light Series Grander I help design for commercial greenhouses and indoor farms that is monster of a light . This light will burn you in the grow room with lights on , No question it will cause skin burn it’s that intense with Utra Vioket in the PGZX 500watt tube. We strongly recommend you used a green light in the flower room if you are running our concept on the Revolutions series. But it’s no way I’ll cool a tent with just fans with that behemoth. Now I am running a CMH in veg which is the best for vegging I think , it’s not many lights that can out veg a LEC/CMH 315w light , we compared many brands to them up until 2017 I believe and we made a overall decision to run Lec/CMH with T-10’s for veg . @OGIncognito I’m not quite sure it it does are not Sir , great question ? But in reference it to say it does to get them started , I’m thinking for the best results on an auto flower would be 18/6 after showing pistils to signal flowering phase and you maybe able to go from 6/2 to 18/6 for an auto I’m thinking but please research that before you take my suggestion as facts , being I’m still learning too now ? I know somethings , and I know what I know from experience, but I’m not the know it all type, I read a lot and my have read it are heard of it , I only suggest what I know for a fact will work , now if anyone from Yoshi’s organizations whether it’s making a Yoshi Blade or marketing, pampered chef, Thrive weight Lost , if any tell you it’s cheese on the moon ; get you crackers ! It’s up there !
Yes!!! It’s always super exciting when new stuff comes. I’m pretty sure at this point my mailman hates me and probably thinks I have a shopping addition
So I have the spider farm sf1000…I have it maxed out at 100w and have it 24” away from the plant. I followed the guidelines on the spider farm website for my light. If you want to make sure that it’s right I would go onto the manufactures website. I’m sure what your doing is fine. I’m totally the same way and second guess everything that I’m doing. Once you become comfortable it will become second nature and you’ll notice if your plants like it or not cus they will definitely let you know.
@Hellraiser This is my first grow journal so far, I would love and appreciate any advice you have!
I have learned my seedlings are too leggy and will cover up part of the stem when transplanting (I’m not sure how much I should cover them).
Just stack up the soil like a Lil mountain around the base to hols it sturdy , it’s no right or wrong way to do it . These plants are more residential than you can ever imagine
Yeah low light levels will promote stretch but you can bury some of that stem when transplanting, I’d cover up a inch or so of the stem.
Sounds like you will have the light problem taken care of shortly. The plants will love the MH for veg and HPS in flowering.
LOL You growing plants in potatoes? Nice!
@Hellraiser 100 % guaranteed your plant will clone in a potato , I 9 year old farmer kid taught me this , made me shame in the Triangle when I visited 9 months by a buddy up there .
Sweet, will have it try it sometime.
@OGIncognito here is my first ever grow
@MadamCalamity what type of hood do you have with your hps/mh lights?
I’m trying out LED and it does not have a hood so I’m not much help. Sorry! The last time I grew I had one but that was like 10 years ago so I can’t remember what I had back then and the light game has changed a lot since then too. Dbrn32 i believe is the light guru you could tag him and I’m sure he could help yea out.
@MadamCalamity How big is your grow tent and what light are you currently using? I’m going back to looking into LED lights
So I have a 2x2 tent with the spider farm sf1000. My set up is really only good for 1 plant to flower. Will probably upgrade in the future so I won’t be as restricted. I hate the idea of killing off a plant. This is my light and tent that I have now.
@MadamCalamity that’s if you long veg it , but if you time your grow schedule to your own benefit , you can do 4 in there successfully under a trellis with much training, you can sea of green probably 16 one gallons maybe , but it’s just to much work . Now that light if I’m nor mistaken is pretty awesome for its power and its just perfect in there compared to my 2x2x5 when I had it , I had to run two old Led models now you can cut one big panel , some even fold out , but you should do fine with 2 plants with some training or engineering incase they decide to get big as baseball bats right , which is very possible .