This is my first ever grow so any advice is welcome!
Hi! I’m Hemp and I’m addicted to growing plants About a year ago I got into growing citrus and then had to overwinter them. My hubby and I built a diy grow tent to help them thrive during Winter and now it’s Spring, so the grow tent is/was empty…
Please go easy on me for the beginning set-up (unless the seedlings are leggy/stretching:eyes:). I just got a 3x4 Maxsisun grow tent in the mail today, and you better believe I threw that sh*t up immediately! I will be ordering an Cc Infinity 6" ventilation set up (thank you to @NeoGro for the suggestion! The products look sleek and mean af, can not wait to order them!!! )
If you’ve gotten this far, I thank you! I may be hitting a pen as I write this So into the grow!
Grow Space: 3x4x6
Strain: Skywalker Og
Germinated by soaking for 48hrs and planting into pre-buffered Coco coir & perlite (70/30) mix.
May 24th
started to pop out of the soil
May 25th (Day 1)
started to mist daily
Heights: 1 3/4in, 2in, 1 3/4in
May 27th (Day 3)
Heights: 2 1/4in, 2 1/2in, 2 3/4in
May 28th (Day 4)
Heights: 3in, 3in, 2 1/2in
No pictures but the Unknown Strain started to push it’s 2nd pair of true leaves.
May 29th (Day 5)
*Fertilized for the first time with 1/4 strength of ILGM Seedling fertilizer.
*Skywalkers start pair of 2nd true leaves
Skywalker #1: 2 1/2in
#2: 3in
#3: 3in
May 30th (Day 6)
No measurements, daily misting the top of soil to keep coco moist
*New 4x3 Grow tent came in and transfered babies to it
That’s all I have for now! I will be ordering the new AC Infinity ventilation system this week and will post pictures when it arrives
I also will be ordering a new lighting system either this week or next, it’s a decision between an Ipower hps/mh 600watt (thanks to @DirtBug for suggesting the look into Hps!) and the Volt VL-1. I am currently leaning towards the Ipower but once I decide and the new light arrives, I will post new updates!
I will also try to keep this updated on the odd days of the month, so every other day, with any growth changes or just new pictures of the babies.
Thank you for getting this far and taking interest in my grow! I look forward to any advice!
Side note: I have CalMag & a pH/EC pen coming in the main tomorrow (May 31)