First clone to make it, off my first grow...what's happening here?

Hey @Newt …have another bag seeds soaking and it’s not doin much yet…have you ever used peroxide on a stubborn one?
If so,how do you mix it?
I’m actually hope’n for a male…I think I want to make some seeds…

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I have not. I germinate right into root riot cubes.

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Couple of drops of peroxide in a shot glass of h2o.

And nice scope! Lovely shots. If ur harvesting in the next weekish? Just a solid couple gallons of straight water next watering, like 2 gallons of whatever water per pot. And then pure water the rest of the way.


Thanks purp. It’s a cheap one…but better than the one I had! Lol…iv had $20 worth of fun with it today…but I was most interested in the other deal I SHOULDNT have blew cash on…smh…I need to find a schedule for using it on autos…know anything about this stuff? I got the ‘pure and simple’ kit.
About to dunk 5 seeds I ordered from ilgm. That I was gonna start with but did these photos to try and learn something before I used the seeds I paid for.
Im doin ‘critical mass autos’ next…

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With the Jacks, I constabtly hear feed full strength. If ur going soil, let ur ppms fall before adding anything. If coco, precharge/soak ur soil full strength before putting seeds, and find a better mentor lol

Looks like my Gary clone. She reveged and looked exactly like that. Good news I put her outside in May and just chopped her two days ago.


Hell to the no!..don’t be bail’n on me now!!!
Think of it this way…one or all of these dudes you might like in here is prolly gonna have my ass fckn with them constantly, if you bail, I know you don’t wanna be responsible for that right?
Hang in here,I been known screw up alotta stuff, now ya know how it goes,the biggest screw up ya know gets luckier than a two d
ck dog most times, and something extraordinary always happens right?..
That’s when you step in to say…'i taught him all that"


Lmao! Nah just saying im not a coco guru. Have a bit of knowledge about a bit. But never even soakd a seed in it. Im here for the haul bro