First Aeroponic grow

Growing 5 ILGM GSCE seeds and 3 fruity pebbles seeds from a different seed bank.
2 fruity pebbles will be in soil, 1 GSCE will be outdoor, 4 will be Aeroponic grows.

So math is hard I guess, as demonstrated in my comment above. 2 fruity pebbles are soil, 1 Aeroponic. 3 GSCE are Aeroponic, 2 outdoor.

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Tell us more!! What kind of set-up??

I have a self built Aeroponic system, and mesh pots for soil.

Nice! Lights?

My lights, well I started with a tolys 1000 watt, and a tolys 600 watt, and was not happy with them, so I made my own with 3 of These

What kind of sprayers do you have in there? @Jstar

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I have a mix of 360,180, and 90.

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100% germination! Already have fruity pebble seeds in soil and 2GSCE seeds and 1 fruity pebble in Aeroponic homes.

GSCE 12 days

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14 days

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Layla, day 18.

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Day 23

First time ever topping!

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@Covertgrower do you think the topping was at a good time or too early? I topped at the 4th node.