@Cannabian @Covertgrower @thedeernad @Nip @OlyBoy98503
I can’t tell yet, girl or boy? Thanks
Looks a little to early to tell by the pic
More time needed for sure
Dude ask again in August
Yep that’s what I thought too. Wait till August. Keep smokin
Thanks all
What are you growing this year?
Do you buy Femm’d seeds??
I don’t see any boy parts.
I don’t see any girl parts either.
High, I have femmed blackberry and strawberry cough. I have seedlings from gorilla glue and stumble weed. The stumble weed is an excellent smoke. Very smooth and potent.
Happy growin
You should know way before August … give it a week or two
Brother if you know you got femm’d seeds don’t stress about whether they’re boys or girls…
Oh wait these are some of my seeds I got off other plants. Not my femmed ones. That’s why I am asking. So if they come off Feminized plants are they femmed seeds?
Nope, femm’d plants still produce regular seed so you are correct that you gotta watch for males.
One way to find out sooner than August is to take a cutting from a lower branch, root it and flower it. Will take 3-4 weeks between rooting and switching to flower but you’ll still be ahead of mother nature.
Ok cool. I will try that.
Fim and LST maybe
I think I have to move this one. Too close to garage? Or should I just let her go? What do you think.