Fan on seedlings?

Hi all, New to ILGM, and new to growing (first timer). For my first grow I’m going with a sour diesel auto flower, recommended by ILGM for beginners. I will be using a 3’x3’ closet lined with reflective material (top to bottom) I have a mars hydro TS1000 grow light, humidifier and fan. I plan on germinating using the glass of water/paper towel method. After germination, the girls will be placed happy frog soil and covered with cut pop bottles to act as a humidity dome for about a week. My question, when to introduce the fan?


I had my fan on from the word go.

It was never actually hitting the plant until Mid Veg phase when she was stronger and more durable. instead i always kept the fan blowing above the plant.


Why would you want a fan on seedlings?

I always have a fan going. Not constantly blasting the little seedlings, but a nice light oscillating breeze is good for the plant. It helps make it stronger and keeps good air circulating all around.


Welcome to the forum :wave: :v:

I too run my oscillating fan from the very start. Fan speed is low when seedling just enough to make her giggle. Increase fan speed as she grows.

Happy growin :call_me_hand:


Thanks guys, once the girls are established I will turn the fan on for circulation then around week 2/3 I will use a more direct air flow.


I would consider a better light for that space. I as well run my fan all the time, just not directly on the plant.


I agree, but being my first grow I will learn by my own mistakes. Example, humidifier has been running for an hour on medium setting. My cheep Acu-rite says 46% and temp 75. I think the temp is close but had water beading inside the grow area. Maybe a little more heat and low setting on the humidifier.

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This test run was with no fan but I think I need to get the temp up a bit.

Its best to run fan it shrengthing the stim just like mother nature happy growing


I think it’s what we all do, haha.

I’m on my I think 5th grow. My first 2 were horrible then It progressively got better from there. I ended up with a bunch of stuff I didn’t need to buy as I learned but the knowledge you gain is priceless.

Thanks to this forum, I’m getting somewhere.


I have 2 oscillating fans going at all times. Keeps the seedlings swaying in the breeze and moves the air from the humidifier and heater supply hoses.
True story, I only had the fan in the left rear going and the 2 seedlings closest to the fan were doing FAR better then the ones farthest away from the fan. so now I have the one on the front right going as well, and the ones on that side are doing better now.


During seedling stage I only use a 6in fan on low that blows my humidifier mist to circulate the tent faster. Other than that I don’t believe much breeze is needed in seedlings stage

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During seedling stage I only use a 6in fan on low that blows my humidifier mist to circulate the tent faster. Other than that I don’t believe much breeze is needed in seedlings stage. Fans are mostly used in grow tents to keep mold or fungus spores from growing. During seedling stage there just isn’t enough plant material to have mold or fungus. Once my plants get about 3-5 sets of true leaves I then run 3 6inch fans all on low setting. 1 blowing the humidifier, 1 at about 1- 1.5 feet high and 1 at about 3-4 feet high. Once the plants get a couple feet tall is when I start thinking about adding a oscillating fan if I feel the fans arent getting enough air movement. I run a 4x4 grow tent

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If it’s not too late, I wouldn’t do an autoflower. They’re very finicky to grow, and very unreliable. You may get a couple grams, or you may get a half pound. You’d be better off doing a photo. I’m a seasoned grower, and still can’t get good results from an auto.


I agree photos are by far more beginner friendly you don’t have to worry about stressing her out an auto could flower at 6in tall or even smaller if you stress her out too much

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Like some of the other folks said from the start and have it hitting a wall so rebound has that little plant moving ever so slightly, doesn’t have to be moving constantly, like someone said a little wiggle from a wisp of air to start right off the bat strengthening that stalk, preparing it for whatever you throw at it. Best wishes .

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Thanks all. I’m off work for the next 9 days and will do germinating this weekend. Ill be doing the cup off water/paper towel method. Once I see about a half inch of growth they will go into happy frog. At this stage, I will be using Pepsi bottles with the tops cut off as a little green house. Just wondering if I should put a vent hole the the bottle bottom?


This is excellent advice. This should be the take away more than fan vs no fan. :point_up_2::blush:

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I would add as many little holes as you can put and still hold the soil.