Fan on seedlings?

Get 16 oz red solo cups and cut 4 quarter inch holes equally spaced around the bottom rim for drainage, moisten your medium a bit and lightly pack into solo cup ( lightly) when you make your little hole in soil to set tap root sprinkle a little great white mycorrhizae or whatever brand you prefer in hole set your seed tap root down with seed no more than a quarter inch ( no more than a quarter inch) and lightly cover and lightly water around where seed is. Under a light 24 hrs on until seed breaks ground. Then you can set light to 18 hrs on 6 off, if you can bounce air from a fan off a wall just to cause that little stem to do a lttle wiggle ( a little wisp of air) then you maybe off to a good start.


A gentle breeze encourages stronger stems and branches


Hi all, thanks for the help on getting things going. A little update, I put 5 seeds in for germination in a cup of water for 24 hours, paper towel after that. Well, after 12 hours in the paper towels, 1 had a tap root about on inch long and had lost its shell. Another one tap root was about 2 inches, lost shell and grown into the paper towel (lost that one) 2 with tap roots just showing and one with nothing. On 11/27/24 they went into HF potting soil, misted the soil and covered with pop bottles to act as humidity domes. Today I have 3 little girls about an inch tall. Right now outside temp is 24f and 30rh. Grow area is 80f and 64rh. Still working on getting my RH up but have done better than I thought I wood.


@Redjada If they get tangled up in paper towel just cut around it leave it on the tap root plant it paper won’t hurt it