Fabric pot in 5 gal bucket

What y’all think about this? I’m thinking about putting a fabric pot with happy frog in a 5 gallon bucket with a bunch of holes around the lower sides and bottom of the bucket. The reasoning is if and when I move the plant I will not disturb the root system is this just crazy or what?

Probably wouldn’t hurt, but sort of defeats the purpose of fabric pots. Which is better oxygen flow to roots.

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I would make it a DIY Air pot and drill those holes all the way around from top to bottom. Still get air pruning advantage and the stability as well. IMHO ofcourse. Seen a few friends do what you’re talking about but with the holes I described with great results!

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I move my fabric pots a couple times a week always have. Guess I never thought about it but I’ve never notice any adverse reaction from moving cloth pots.


Did you use the handles and allow the flexing? I set mine on 3/4” plywood as to not disturb roots but it’s not convenient

Good to know maybe I’ll use a fabric pot and a bucket with a lotta holes drilled in and see what happens. This is what happens when I am at stay at home order it been 7 week so far go get groceries once a week sorry if go off on tangents lol

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I just finished up 7 plants and with my limited space, when I needed to take runoff ppm readings moved plants in and out of tent. It’s a pain in the behind but like @Bubblehead said I don’t believe that it had any adverse effects.
It’s best to have fabric pots sitting on something that also allows airflow underneath. In addition you don’t want pots sitting in runoff of watering.

I move my fabric pots at least twice a week :+1: :v:

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I just grab them by the handles. If I have to move them across the basement to flush I will use the side of pot because I don’t necessarily trust the sewing. In fact I worry about the sewing more than moving a flexing the pot.

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All right I’ll trash that idea and keep on reading. Thanks

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