So I have been looking at 7 gallon fabric grow bags. It appears they have regular fabric grow bags and heavy duty fabric potato grow bags.
Is one type better than the other or does it make much difference for weed plants.
The black fabric pots are fine. I ve reused mine countless times.
Regular is fine.
Lighter bags will breath better Growmie. They breath better than plastic pots, fabric bags allow the roots to penetrate the fabric and air prune. One air pruned root with branch off into many increasing nutrient absorption creating bigger and more vigorous plants
I’ve had great results with fabric pots. They do dry out quicker however, and require a little more attention on the hydration schedule.
As mentioned above the resulting air pruned root system is pretty awesome!
I switched last year and wouldn’t go back to plastic pots. I dig the fact that the faster they dry out the faster I can feed them
I have noticed somethings different with the cloth hardest part is the run off I have one tray they are on in the tent not so much have to be careful of the run off missing the plate its on. Still not sure. Haven’t heard of the air prune before interesting
@Bunger64 ,Yeah you have to water slow in fabric or it’s waterfall time. The air pruning is what sold me on the fabric cause it’s supposed to help stop plants from root bounding.
This slows down the dry.
Outdoor plant, FFOF 5-gal cloth in plastic bin (more FFOF and rabbit shield device., blue bin).
Self wicking water trays will work under cloth bags, also.
AC Infinity product
Happy growing to you.
I like the rain science grow bags. A little higher, but a better product in my opinion.
So when you use the fabric grow bag, can u you just set the grow bag in the tray, or do you need to set something like a couple pieces of wood in the tray, THEN set the grow bag on the wood in the tray?.
Do you always water to runoff?
Do you water every day?.
Do you use exact measurements each time?.
Do you have a jug of water at hand with correct PH at all times.?.
This is the tray I use. I’ll get back to you with the rest of the info this afternoon. It’s made by square farmer
I don’t water everyday unless it’s needed. I use the old method of pick up the pot and seeing if it’s light then I’ll water. When I first mixed up my dirt and transplant into the 5 gallon pot I’ll pick it up and judge the dry weight. Then I’ll pour a gallon of water on it and judge the weight again. It might be a sin but I do not water until runoff unless I’m checking my PPM. I grow with a organic medium and use organic fertilizers and amendments so I don’t feel the need to wash out all the good stuff I’m putting in. Nobody has a jug of ph ready water my Growmie cause it will change levels daily due to evaporation and how much alkaline you have in your water to start with. Yes use exact measurements every time also keep a notebook with everything wrote down in it that you do on a weekly basis. That way if something happens you have notes to help you decipher what went wrong.
@anon52654037 , I’m only on my second grow but have been using 5gal. cloth bags and love them. I have mine setting on short pieces of the coated metal shelving they sell for closets, on top of bricks with a cheap plant tray underneath for runoff. I’ve heard some on here talk of using a plant stand on coasters with a catch tray built in.
@Fishyswaw Use whatever you have on hand and it will be just fine to catch water. I cut the bottom out of a 40 gallon tote and made a big drip pan LOL for my first grow. Got tired of trying to empty it when it got full got smart and bought a Shop-Vac
Oh yea shop vac is a Necessity if your not using one just ponder for a second that all it took for me.
Extra hose and tube. Even have an attachment for flooded floor pick up incase lol
@DoneDeal , I’m gonna have to rethink my approach next grow cause I’m thinking of expanding. May have to go with more of a trough type.
Definitely a preferred method.
However, I am having lifting issues for bags bigger than 7 gal.
Secondary method, wait for leaf drop-down.
I prefer bottom watering, as I am an over-watering gardener.
Home Duckies sells large drip pans for use. My 4x4 has one large white plastic pan, under the tote bin, containing my 5-gal baby, formerly residing out-doors, now tenting.
I like the tray i have a 2x4 that I have my cloth pots in,þeing new at the cloth but your comment about bottom water, im a little slow