Experimental Outdoor winter grow

Oh yeah I meant to ask you if the pics you posted were of some of the Ron growing?Because that :poop: is burgundy like I have never seen. I’ve seen some purple/reddish fan leaf stems but damn nothing like that. :wink::rofl::rofl::rofl::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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The bottle girl from last year and the clones outside now

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A what happened to good ol
Marty McFly Weed and ol timber land
Are they in trim prison I haven’t herd any thing from them in a minute

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Man those stalks are crazy looking. There’s more burgundy than green on those babies. :rofl::rofl::sunglasses:

Good question… I know Timberland went to work for a cannabis company and Marty was finishing his cure last I heard. I’ll have to kick the door in on them today and see what’s up :crazy_face::joy::metal:t2:

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Make sure there ok

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Will do! :sunglasses::+1:t2:

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The latest news…
The Northern lights turned out not so bad for a winter plant and for being from a seed of last summers grow.
The blueberry was weird it looked as if it was trying to re-vegg?..Also got dry and looked weird I tossed it…
Over all it was fun and and experiment…Not meant to produce anything meaningful…Just something to keep me growing and waiting for NOW…Yippie its grow time again!!
This is the last pic taken of the N.Lights about 3 weeks ago :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Just chopped and ready to dry… :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

**This was the Blueberry looking all haggered and possibly diseased? R.I.P ** :rofl:

  • So in the end I have the N.Lights all dried now and is curing…Smells pretty good…Ill know in a few months how it is and give a smoke report…
    Thanks all who followed…

Looking good my man… Good job…:beers: going to be a fine smoke…

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That NL looks lit!! :star_struck::sunglasses::metal:t2:
I really need to grow some of that. I would love to grow in the winter but need to upgrade my indoor setup. Thankfully it’s spring now and I have 4 photos and 2 autos going. I can’t wait to see what you get popping. :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Post your strains for this year…! Yes try N.L. Its a good hearty plant…
Check out my 2024 list…


Great choices! I have always been interested in Romulan but for some reason never grabbed any. Interested to see that one. Is Mephisto’s Wedding a wedding cake cross? Blueberry Muffin and Tangie are delicious. :drooling_face::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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you don;t want see through pots light is bad foir roots

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Thanks shade…Yeah I was first introduced to it back about 6 or 7 years ago…A friend was growing and sold many different varieties He had Trainwreck.,Romulan,Bubba Kush ,E18 etc…ALL were good but I liked the Romulan and it grew very good as my first (legal :laughing:) Photo. Bubba Kush Auto (ILGM) was another Ive grown with success!!
Mephistos wedding is Mephistos version of the classic Wedding Cake apparently a lot went into the crossing of research and development went into this strain…Its (Wedding Cake (Seed Junky Genetics) x Double Grape) x Creme de la Chem.

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I love Trainwreck! :drooling_face:
I actually had a batch of wedding cake once that was so dank it made me nauseous breaking out bags. :nauseated_face::joy:
I can’t wait to see how the Mephisto’s does. :sunglasses::metal:t2:

Oh yes I was going to try that this season but got side tracked… :rofl: I wanna try to grow it someday…
Yes Im interested in the Mephisto too…as well as all my others Most of the ones I listed are new to me…I grew Romulan before but this is from a different company so Its a fresh start with the two Photos and four Autos Im trying…

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That’s awesome! I’m digging the variety. :sunglasses::+1:t2:
I put a photo that was started inside mid February under 18/6 outside April 28 in 14/10 and it started flowering. I thought only 10 hours of dark was short enough to keep it from flowering. I was worried about the temps not the dark hours… thinking I was 2 hrs to the good. Turns out some will flower with only 9 hrs dark. :exploding_head:
Grow and learn. Now I have to move it inside 2 hours before sundown for the next 9 weeks. :joy:
It’s 13 Weeks old so I’d rather it finish flowering because apparently the reveg process before harvest really screws them up. Next year we move outside June 1. :joy::sunglasses::metal:t2:


Sounds like you’ve got it down at least…Hey I screwed up this year …I’m a tad bit late I usually have my seeds germinating around 4/20…no coincidence… :laughing:…and about %/5 or so I plant them…
I already have them in the yard in their fab pots ready to go…they’re at least a week into it…
Ill try to post the progress here or make a journal…I probably should re-post cause this title is
"experimental outdoor winter grow " and winter is over… :rofl:


I wouldn’t go that far. :rofl::rofl:
Definitely keep me posted on the grow. They got plenty of time to get huge. :joy:
I didn’t germ last years until 5/15 and pulled 3/4 lb off her. They love starting this time of year. :sunglasses::+1:t2:

:+1: Will do All but the Trizzler is starting off good…I had to re-do the 6 -Shooter… I f`ked up on the first one …I think… After a way long germ in water I stuck it in a solo and soil and it still wasn’t popping uo… and I forgot an old trick I used years ago about putting it in a dark closet once it germed ( if it doesn’t pop up in soil solo cup the first day or two after germ)…The second one was doing the same thing and I put it in a dark closet and viola…It sprouted out of the soil…I LOST the third seed…somewhere? Its probably in the vacuum… :rofl: Ive never lost a seed before so I dunno wtf happened…

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Glad you got two of them sprouted. I’ll have to remember the dark closet next time I have an issue. I actually lost a seed this season too. It’s like it disintegrated. :joy::sunglasses: