Experimental Outdoor winter grow

:laughing: No doubt their “Examples” are under perfect conditions and maybe a bit of a stretch…Although like Photos too it depends on what strain and the phenos…also. * My very first year I had really good luck and High yield with ILGM Blueberry Auto…I have pics somewhere??
What strains of Autos are you gonna try?
And yeah I’m still lining up my strains for this coming season…Im a bit of a seed junky so I keep trying different strains each season…I have so many different ones from past seasons…Ill be posting my list soon though!

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I’ll be running NYC Diesel and GSC autos. I currently have 3 Peach Maraschino photos going and will be adding a Citrus Sap. I just received some seeds from @Mr.Mr.Limelight that he’s supposed to let me in on the strains now that they’re here. I pulled close to 3/4 lb. off last years Citrus Sap in a 6 gallon bag and he just sent me a 25 gallon for this year. I probably didn’t need to plant anything else. :wink::rofl::rofl:
Can’t wait to see your list and grow this season. :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Two with sticker nyc diesel auto
Two in clear tropical thunder reg
And the 4 are from bluster’s lemon haze xGG cross he grew from seed last year and it pollenated its self and produced about 20 seeds

He thinks he’s a master breeder now​:joy::rofl::joy::rofl:
I ain’t got the hart to tell him he did nothing that was Mother Nature and the plant it’s self

But he’s proud of those seeds
crusty lil bastard wouldn’t even give me or any one in the crew none

It’s all good I’m just going to watch what plants he’s babying in the fields this year

And later in the season when I have
Emc2 egghead come out here when I start crossing genetics
I’m take him out to the field and have him spray one of blusters plants to make sure it self pollenates



200w (1)

200w (2)


@Mr.Mr.Limelight @Shadegrown …Hey it sounds like you guys got some good :poop: to grow this year…
Hey if @Shadegrown ever does breed his own that would be a great name for his new strain
“Crusty Lil Bastard”… :rofl:…Ill keep an eye out for you two`s plant saga… :+1:


Definitely putting Crusty Li’l Bastard on the names list. :joy:
I have 3 plants going currently that were gifted to me that were started from reg seeds. They’re supposedly Peach Maraschino. I also have 2 Tropical Thunder reg seeds courtesy of Lime that could be male. I’ve only ever had 1 male plant and that was back before I appreciated their value and killed it immediately. :joy::sunglasses::metal:t2:


@Shadegrown Let me know how that (R) seeds turn out…Ive seen some great strains on many seed sites but was unsure of how many males I would get and if it’d be worth it …I understand it takes a few months before their sex is determined? I would love to create my own strain or breed but I’m way far from that…


Hi @AL_GREEN I just used a regular male to pollinate a feminized plant, planted 15 of her seeds, so don’t know what to expect but at 3.5wk old and hope to know by 6wks. Let ya know too


Let’s check with @Mr.Mr.Limelight as he would have the best gauge on what percentage of reg seeds are male. My limited experiences/exposure are 3 to 4 males out of every 10 reg seeds. :sunglasses:


It’s really a 50/50 shot on the first round of seed
Out that 15 seeds I’m say 30% will be males or hermies

But I have had first crosses get lucky and only produce 10 males out the whole plant seeds

I Just keep them in 1-3 gallons till your able to sex them
This makes it easy to separate them for breeding or kill them with out pollinating the others
And also so your not wasting lot of nutrients or you’re high dollar soil on a bunch of males that your not going to use or grow

For the first crosses plants that hermie those seeds tend to be more stable then the first cross seeds

If you didn’t know some of the best strains have hermie in the beginning crosses
And aren’t as good once there stable
Like Girl Scout cookies , Mac1, and og Ron burgundy

@AL_GREEN im surprised you haven’t done any breeding before
When you do just keep a pray bottle of water to wet the outside of tent /room and you so your not carrying pollen to plants you don’t want too pollinate

I just put 2 or 3 ladies in with one type of male
When I’m going to shake that dust around like a snow globe

You can also collect the pollen when the sacs open put in a jar and with a small child paint brush swirl it and touch the pistol hairs on the parts of the plants you want to pollinate
Start from the bottom and go up when doing this


How did I know you’d have the field test data on that? :wink::joy::rofl::sunglasses::metal:t2:

I had no clue about the cross and hermie seeds.

So due to weather changes I still have the pm’s in the 3 gallon pots. Should I go ahead and sex them? I assume just a light schedule change to 12-12 until they show then light back to 18-6 for the females? I’d hate to waste time on one that could have been a gg lemon or tropic thunder. :grin:

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unless you’re cutting clones to sex them I would say no on the light flip

Look for the two green pistols on the stock if there trying to touch then that tends to be female
Now if there’s one or more than two on each side and there pointing in opposite directions that probably your male


Here’s what we got. Looks like 1 possible female to me.

Not sure if they are still a bit young and recovering from topping and fiming but they all seem underdeveloped in that area to me. I will also say that it may be the soil this grow, my indoor setup vs outdoors in May, the genetics or a combination of all three, but these plants are waaaayyyy behind were Li’l Bertha was at this stage. Tomorrow will be 7 weeks. For comparison…


Have you started feeding them yet
& once it warms up for you they should take off

By the pic Bertha had that sun and good weather at this time last year

Once it wam enough out side start taking them out during the day and a hr before the sun starts to set bring them back inside under the light


Btw that was some deep grow knowledge I have never even heard before. Experience goes a looooong way. Mad preesh bro! :joy::sunglasses::metal:t2:

Bertha was 7 weeks July 3rd vs April 3rd. So we’re getting a major head start this season. I’m going to start germing one of her s1’s today. I get shivers when I think of her in that 25 gallon bag. As soon as I get a stamp I’m sending you one. I have been taking the PM’s out when weather permits and you can definitely notice the difference in growth when they get sun. I started feeding about two weeks ago. I will start dialing up the ratio as they move outside in the sun in the next week or so. We are still getting down in the 30’s some nights, but Virginia makes hard swings in temps and will change to 50’s in another week. :joy::sunglasses::metal:t2:


That’s what’s up they’re looking good

The neglected closet backs up to the laundry room so its in the warmest part

The barn is less insulated so it changes more with the weather even with the a/c & heat

Can’t wait to see the monster Bertha’s baby is this year


Thanks! I’m going to stay the course then.

I hadn’t even thought about temps in the barn. I’m glad it has a/c and heat (especially for Bluster :joy:) and the closest location is perfect. I have a hard enough time keeping track of the neglected closet and secret garden… but don’t worry I’ll eventually badger you about the barn and fields info. :wink::rofl::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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I rolled some of the Ron burgundy up
The fools are talking about
What is this

Smells like fruit tootsie rolls from the house mixed with gas
when you break it down
I’ve missed this taste

It’s funny I almost see why they we’re thinking a lot of these genetics crosses came from me and friends seeds

If you took purple punch & runtz taste and squeezed a lil sweet island skunk & diesel on top of that taste

Its on this year I know what ever I crosses I make with her or her sisters is going to be more fire


Maybe I’ll actually name them this time instead of just giving them a cattle I D number

When ever you do start your own crosses keep a note book on every plant even the ones you don’t like

It will make it easier when you find similarities traits in plants when you’re trying to recreate things you’ve made and lost in the past

Kind of like the strawberry sht I had years ago
Unlike strawberry cough how it has fresh strawberry smell
This was darker yellow bud with sweet strawberry taste vs smell


You’re gonna make me germ all these seeds talking like that. :wink::rofl::rofl:

That Ron sounds amazing!! I love fruit tootsie rolls and gas. :drooling_face::drooling_face:

I apparently missed it then and I’m still missing it now. :wink::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oh heeellllllll… batten down the hatches… Lime’s on lit!!

Look bro… just don’t hurt Donny… Ok? He’s got a promising career ahead of him as long as he doesn’t end up glued to a bean bag chair in the studio tripping on the mixer lights. :wink::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You really represent your state. :wink::rofl::rofl::rofl::metal:t2:

So since you got me all worked up about buds. I’m cracking into my Blueberry Pancakes. :joy::sunglasses::metal:t2: