Hello @MadCandy
Lucky my wife and I stocked up ha. Anyways back much better now thank you. LOL, use to work at Ballarat on a sheep farm many moons ago. And yeah, I hear ya mate. shearing is a tough as nails job for sure.
Hello @MadCandy
Lucky my wife and I stocked up ha. Anyways back much better now thank you. LOL, use to work at Ballarat on a sheep farm many moons ago. And yeah, I hear ya mate. shearing is a tough as nails job for sure.
I was much in the same boat. We get punished with pricing on top end lights here is Oz. The HLG stuff is excellent - no question. I would say at least 60% of the people I chat with here either use it or have stepped up to it.
I think you will like it a lot.
Below is what I have going on.
Following along and you are in good hands with all the people on here. Just caution on the water as previously mentioned and the problem I have is I overthink things. I’ve grown for 50 yrs but when I started you put some seeds out watched them grow,pulled the males,except to make seed stock,and then harvested. Now it is perlite,Ph,LED,runoff etc.etc. I have had
an inside, and an outside but just can’t beat Mother Nature . Couple things you may want to look up,Mykos and Superthrive@Budz420
Very nice, you have given me hope mate and after seeing how happy your girls are, i am happy with my investment. Thank you for sharing
Hello @Stoney1
You are just a teaser. Very nice indeed my friend, girls look very happy.
Hello All,
Well, I think my girls are struggling at the moment. They look ok but very little growth. Is this normal.
Very little water and under new lights.
Were the little ones in cups? There is a definite ring around each one?
Are you watering at the plant or around them?
Think it might be the quality of the soil man looks like a lot of bark and shit these little girls will have to push through and around. All the action is happening below the surface so i wouldnt worry too much, they’re green and upright so you just sit tight for a little longer ! first 2-3 weeks are slowest.
Hello @Budz420
Started off in peat pellets and peat pot. girls were stretching there feelers so I placed them in new homes. The ring you see is from a water 3 days ago. I gave each 50ml water only. When I water I usually pure around 2" from plant as per pic. I am probably freaking out for nothing. I have been taking on board alot of info from here and all the good folks have been awesome. Fingers crossed they are ok.
Hello @gusanito,
As per my pictures, the first one is where it all starts, fresh compost and 8 months later
This is what I end up with. It is very loose and very earthy to touch and smell, crazy ha.
A month before girls seen there new home I tried the drained the soil with water and then completely dried out until almost dry. Went to store and purchased a 25kg bag of seed raising mixture and mixed it well with the new soil. No big chunks and no sticks at all.
Drainage is just amazing as the water slowly works its way through. When doing a PH test it was a little high 7.2 and now I have it down to 6.8. After doing more reading on here I think that level is ok.
Thank you for the encouragement my friend. I need to stop freaking out LOL.
Ok, I haven’t used peat pellets. Do you cut the pots before dropping in? Maybe it’s just the photo and shadow making it look that way. I have only grown clones - and they are in the soil the will live in. My 3 go into 3 gallon pots tomorrow.
Just watching close you will catch problems fast.
Hello @Budz420
First time using these pots mate. One of the things I learned off here was to make lots of holes around pots to allow easy flow for root system to get going. It did not take long before being root bound so they were placed in new homes. they are 2 weeks old today my friend they seem healthy but just very slow to grow. Much appreciated
Hello All,
Update on my first grow indoors. Day 17 and it has been a long anxious wait and I am finally seeing some action.
This may sound like a silly question, but what is the best way to bring down PH levels please. At the moment things are worrying me as PH is around 7.8.
I have lots of things in garden shed that may do the trick but need advice first.
Thanks in advance.
I’m an extreme newbie… but the chemical ph down is the traditional method. Available in any grow shop and most big everything kind of stores.
Hello @420qc
Thanks for your help my friend. I am very new to this also and appreciate all the help I can get. No worries, I will get to the store tomorrow and see what I can get.
Just be sure not to use too much. I’d recommend you buy a small bottle of ph up as well. Just incase you over shoot on the down. If you’re using a gallon as your mixing size I’d start with .25ml of ph down and then test. Shouldn’t be too far off at that point
In your water? Lemon juice or vinegar work for lowering PH.
Hello @registereduser,
much appreciated. I am learning something new everyday. thanks for the tip.