Excited first Time grower

Hello Enlightened420.
Cheers for that. I am not computer savvy and will do my best to keep everyone up to date. Appreciate your advice mate.


Any time @flyinghigh.
We are all here to help in any way we can. How is Vic doing in lock down?
My Mother lives in Albury/Wodonga and I have been worried about her and my family down south.


Hello Enlightened420
Vic NSW border closed due to corona. very stressful time my friend. Melbourne is in full lock down for 6 weeks.wife and I are doing fine with no issues here in NE vic.
Thanks for helping out :smiley:


Congrats on starting your first journal! Excited to see your grow. Iā€™ll try to stop by from time to time. I can already tell youā€™re getting into specs of your setup and thatā€™s a really good thing. Not only will it help people better advise you but you will be able to reference everything you did here at a future time and apply your knowledge to future grows for better success. Best of luck on your grow and remember to find enjoyment in the process!


Omg soo cute! Hey gav! They use to walk in my poppys house what lovely memories :blush:
But man walking home from school they loved swooping me!! Haha

@flyinghigh I found your journal and setting to watch :smile:
Happy growing!

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Glad you and your wife are fine In the lock down!
Hope it goes away real quick!!! Yell out if you need toilet paper! :joy:@flyinghigh what 6 weeks! Best of luck at least you have a hobby that will need your full attention.

Where are you located @Enlightened420?

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QLD my Ozzy sister :v:
But Iā€™m originally a cockroach from NSW.


Ahh yess very nice!:fist:t4: Iā€™m QLD too! @Enlightened420
Are we in the same suburb :laughing::scream:Haha
But Ewww Blues suck haha maroons will win this year for sure aye @Budz420 :joy:

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Dunno maybe, can you see my drone haha
IKR Iā€™m cursed to eternally lose, because I was born in the a$$hole of NSW :laughing::rofl::joy:

I thought I heard an annoying sound outside, no wonder I couldnā€™t shut my dogs up From barking lol



Sweet my Daughter lives on the Coast. Iā€™m inland a bit.

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So that is how you came up with your screen name ā€œMadā€? @MadCandy
:rofl: :partying_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hello Everyone,

Winter time is awesome but cutting wood sucks. sorry for no updates. done my back in and slowly coming good.
Day 12 So far so good I think
Gold leaf

I have been giving the girls 50ml each every 2 days. not sure if this is ok. Dealing with winter is a challenge itself.
PH level around 6.9 - 6.7
Using river water from the Alps.
Can some please tell me if these advanced nutrients are ok for grow.

Thank you all for following. I will do my next update in a few days. time to rest back with a bud.

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Hello @MadCandy
Been laid up mate sorry. done me back in cutting fire wood. All good though. He is a different bird thats for sure. LOL. Thanks for finding my journal mate.


Thank you for the warm welcome. Much appreciated and yes I am excited to be part of an amazing
journey with my first grow. Very happy with my seeds from ILGM. be safe and happy growing :grinning:


Hello Everyone,
got my new lights today and have already introduced girls and it appears they are loving it. I will go with the 18/6hr scenario and see how things go. Will do more pics on weekend. Lights are ViparSpectra 900w.
funny thing is that I returned the GrowLush lights and got a full refund.
Well crikeys, another set turned up here today WTF. Free lights LOL.



Thanks for that. Yeah 6 weeks farout. We are stocked up so lots of dunny paper and booze and weed.
Trying to get it all happening at mo. had to resort to an electric blanket lol. Just to make it toasty. at night time.


Hello mate! :blush:
Umm I heard on the news this morning it will be till December wtf!
When we were in lock down I couldnā€™t even find rolls of toilet paper! Was so ridiculous
So toasty!! Hope your back is better @flyinghigh ! I have pulled my back pulling the sheep up to sheer it that hurt! So I feel you itā€™s not nice!

Hi there!
You will like the Viparspectra. Iā€™ve been running one for a few weeks now. Itā€™s a great unit.

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Hello @Budz420
I thought I might have wasted my money but good to hear that they will be ok. @dbrn32 did highly suggest looking at HLG for lights but they were way out of my price range.
anyways, we will see in a week or so.
Next update soon.


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