What’s up gromies? I’m goin to take this one down Fri. Wanted to grab a nice shot and since I took 3 hits of dis Purple Haze well, it’s damn good. Havin this buzz I got creative which I saw the sky and said, that’ll work. Set it on garbage can and got a nice shot. Hope ya’ll are havin a moment tonight to chill with a nice buzz and take it all in. This ain’t me talkin it’s that pothead who took those 3 hits. And if I sounds like I have a buzz I sure enough do.
Peace out friends
Amen! Cheers to you
Beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing. Awesome shot.
Thanks guys @HobbyDobby @Godsgarden Appreciate it…
Wow that is a beautiful picture thanks Growmie its jus our creativity juices flowing
Great shot! If you’re up early, sunrises can also be Enjoy the dry before trim jail! Just three hits? Nice. Get some shots in the light before Friday!
Beautiful picture my friend perfect timing!! That would make some cool stickers
Oh of course, not sure if theres a better way
speaking the truth of the burning bush
Thank you!!! That’s going to be my lock screen pic for awhile. If you don’t mind
I might have saved it in my folder Growmie
Thats one that would be bad azzed framed and on the wall. Part of some rooms decor.
Bravo zula again on a fabulous picture.
I’ll have 8x10 glossies for sale in the lobby after the show. lol! I don’t mind at all @Mosca @DoneDeal @Bunger64 . “mi casa es su casa.” I sat at the computer and smoked some more staring at that shot and thought that was pretty good for a phone shot.
Of course I enhanced the sky in post a bit. The original was sort of blahh. I used to be a commercial advertising photographer so I like to play around with images. Thanks again gromies!
I was thinking the same thing. Next time this place i deal with has a sale I’m going to get a 11x14 made and do just that.
Thanks Growmie for sharing your talent!!!
I’m not feeling the 11x14, it deservers a wall, a muriel, (sp) a portrait so to speak. Its that gorgeous to look at. coming from 70s stoner.
Panaromic view, we are lucky, to have so many places and pics shared.