What’s everyone’s thoughts on electric trimmers. I was trimming last night and can’t seem to get comfortable and was going boss eyed. Maybe these electric trimmers would speed the process up a bit. Is there a decent make or preferred brand out there. Just don’t want to buy expensive junk.
I think @AfgVet just got one. Maybe she can help out.
I just have a bowl trimmer, the crank style. I think it work pretty decent on the smaller buds. Still had a little to trim here and there but saved a ton of time.
@AfgVet did you do wet or dry?
Someone else on here has one. maybe @Myfriendis410 can remember but I think it was @bogleg
@hornhead I have one also, just seeing which @AfgVet prefers
Bowl trimmer not electric sorry if this message is confusing
I am confused. Are electric trimmers and bowl trimmers different?
I’ve seen the bowl crank style and the electric ones but not sure if there’s a preferred choice or are they all the same
I thought you meant electric hand held trimmers, for fan leaves and what not.
Bowl trimmer does a decent job it’s not perfect but if your like to save yourself a day or twos work and do it in a few hours it makes life easy.
I do give the ladies a quick haircut then and de bud from branches if it’s wet trim
Or dry I give a better haircut then let cure for a week and a half or so then run thru the bowl
I was originally looking at hand held electric trimmers. I didn’t realise the bowl trimmer existed until I researched a bit more today. I usually wet trim but these trimmers look good
Wet trimmed
I haven’t tried to dry trim with it yet
I have a bowl trimmer (19" one) and I absolutely love it. I prefer to wet trim with my bowl trimmer - the only major difference is that instead of hanging plants to dry in whole branches I have to use a drying rack because everything is parted out to use the bowl trimmer. So purchasing the bowl trimmer then required me to purchase drying racks.
I wet trim and use drying racks so a 19" bowl trimmer sounds good. Is there a preferred brand or are there makes that should be avoided
They are pretty basic tools, so generally they seem to be more or less all the same, to me. I would definitely recommend spending extra on the 19" one over the 16" one.
This is the one I have (more or less, mine is black instead of blue):
Perfect, thank you
They are extremely sharp so be careful
I’ve got a 19” Ipower bowl trimmer. It’s ok for the looser buds, but it doesn’t quite get close enough and also leaves stems sheared off at the same level.
Higher quality ones have a better/closer trim, but they also cost a lot more
Electric hand held trimmers look like they could save a lot of hand fatigue.
So it looks like the 19inch bowl trimmer is the preferred size and the lpower is at the bottom of the list when it comes to choice. As for the electric ones, I’ve watched a few videos and they look good. Just need to read a few reviews now and see which make sticks out. Those blades do look vicious @PharmerBob so fingers out.