I was reading some put CO2 bags in their grow tent. Why not just use vinegar and baking soda in a bottle ? It’s not all fancy with a meter but I doubt a 20oz bottle with a little slurry would hurt anything. It probably wouldn’t generate a lot of it, but somethings better than nothing in the long run right? If it does help at all.
Think someone measured the output and found its more effective to breathe co2 out then a chemical process such as this.
That being said co2 isn’t expensive… 250 for controller and 180 for the initial tank then 30 a refill
Even with heavily planted high-tech aquariums this method is somewhat uncontrollable and co2 volumes typically low.
There are some great deals at local brew stores and gas supply business.
I was thinking about it after my brain started to function and vinager and baking soda probably wouldn’t work the best anyways. It would burn out too fast. Something productive a slow steady output would be better. I started looki NGC to see what others were doing and there was a sugar, baking soda, yeast, and water mix which would be a lot better. It would produce over a longer period. I saw them using a 2 liter bottle with the mix which would give you at least a weeks worth I would image. Still can’t measure the output but again something is better than nothing.
I use a bucket,air stone,fish tank pump and suger,sugar, and water.There’s a video on U Tube that shows how to do it.It seems to help.
How do you hang it over your plants ?
Have you measured the canopy above the plants to see if it’s making it there?
How big of a space?
Technically you could add a fresh air intake and the outdoor co2 levels would be higher
I run plastic fish tube line around the top of the tent and the pump pushes the Co2 into the line.I punch pinholes in the line for it to fall down on the plants It raises the level in the tent couple hundred points or so,but with all the fires in our area,its hard to tell.Cant see the sky or the mountains .
Do you use yeast in the mix? What’s the link?
That’s why I posted this. 40$ for a bag of CO2 is absurd to me. What’s in it lol we can just make our own
I just googled making your own Co2 bucket.Theres a dude with Home Depot buckets.You use 6 cups sugar,2 tablespoons yeast and put the fish tank heater and stone in the bucket punch a couple holes for the cord and hose.Its simple,but the link can be hard to find.
It would be Sugar and Active Yeast. I believe thats the method you are talking about.
You can use any type of bottle I prefer a one gallon milk jug or a 1 gallon distilled water bottle and all I do is put a balloon on the top and puncture a little needle hole on the top of the balloon. They say you should mix the sugar and yeast with Luke warm water, I’ve noticed with it sitting in the grow tent; the chemical process will activate around 75F and you’ll see the balloon inflate. The small pinhole you use to puncture the balloon will slowly let the CO2 out over an expanded period of time
Yep I found a recipe. It for sure works. Shit hits you as soon as you walk in the room lol
sounds like your recipe is possibly too strong. Maybe not for the plants but for your health. Dont qoute me though. Not 100 percent sure. I believe I read they can take up to 1500 ppm of C02. Which also allows you to grow in higher temperatures but at the same time naturally causes you to have to water more and give it more nutrients.