Earthbox autos watering question

Sooo the girls are starting to grow pretty decent. Been top/root zone watering so far. Bout time to start filling the reservoirs?


@GreenJewels @krismwright


Man, not sure if thats how i “call” on folks…


@DMC It is how you ‘tag’ peeps.They’ll see the Notifications.


Not familiar with the Earthbox system but your ladies are looking good.
Consider them well into veg stage if that helps. :+1:


Those look to be borderline ready for a reservoir fill. If your seeing a good amount of noticeable growth then you should be safe to fill it. When did you transplant onto the boxes? I just filled this girls reservoir yesterday for the first time

This girl had her first reservoir fill last week and shes had it empty in 3 days.



This is day 20 in soil. The smaller one front right is about 5 days behind, but she’s catching up.
Also, very nice. I think one more day and ill fill.


looking good!! I would definatly put the plastic cover on to allow for mounding of nutrients as they grow, that is the beauty of the earthbox. Since you water down the tube you can go above the edges of the box with no issues of water run off. With no cover you are loosing the top 2 inches of microbial activity.


I had them on for a little while. I have some straw mulch coming. I had a black side facing up. I noticed green Jewel had white facing up. Have you found one side working better than the other? I have a few spare for future runs. Thanks kris.


I did run some girls with the black side up. At that time I had a smaller exhaust fan and my temps were getting too high. The black side out makes more heat in the box. White side out reflects light so less heat on the soil. It really just depends on your environment as to which side you want facing out. I have also used barley straw mulch but i like the covers better because they keep my top soil layer moist better than mulch. Also less light in the box so my mycorrhizal layer can develop nicely

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Well, I decided to put the mulch covers back on. Hit them with some build a flower, some worm castings and some fresh ground gnarly barley. Should get the life ramping up in there. I appreciate y’alls!!


Typically white is for outdoors and black is for indoors

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Now that looks perfect​:100::ok_hand:t3::grin:

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