Earth dust cooking time

Been having my soil and earth dust cooking now for almost 2 weeks. I have kept the soil wet as per the instructions and i have had no white moldy looking growth on my soil like i see many others have. Is the soil supposed to turn this way? I have my soil inside and in a 73° room

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@MeEasy is the resident ED guru

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Thanks for the tag Under :grinning: hi @Ripwater12 sounds like you are doing good the mycelium (fuzzy white stuff) doesn’t always grow on the soil it normally will if you keep it in complete darkness other than that it stays growing under the ground where it’s dark.

I’ve been using Earth Dust for a couple years now ± a month or two my thread or now it’s two threads have a lot of information on Dust. You are welcome to come check it out but I have to warn you there’s a lot of us bs’ing on there too. Here’s a link to my first post and the last post so you can find both… and always feel free to ask any questions or just jump in on the bs’ing and have some fun with us :grinning:


I did the mistake of cutting down a plant that was budding but not ready I had to out that I was cutting down and accidentally cut that other one down by mistake do you have any suggestions right now I stuck it in a gallon of water with some nutes any suggestions what I can do to save it or is it a loss Cause

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I would think that you wouldn’t be able to save it unless you treated it like a monstercrop and make it re-veg and start flowering all over. I’ve never done a monstercrop so I don’t have any tips on doing it, I don’t even clone

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How do I treat it like a monster crap I don’t know what you mean

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I don’t know much about it except what I’ve read, it’s a clone that you do during flower but that’s about all I can tell you. Do your own post and ask the question and you should get a lot more help from others who have some experience