Anyone had to dry plants in temps that get into the 80’s and still got decent smelling and tasting buds?
Im aware that thats well above recomended but I have no choice and I have no ac unit available. Everything I read is that it will dry too fast and buds will taste like hay. Basicly im hoping I didnt do everything right for months just to screw it up at the end.
I am feeling your pain. I have a similar issue.
I’ve dried a lot plants hanging in barns with no control over temperature or humidity. I dried almost a pound on a screen in the back of a broken down Blazer. It was probably over 120° in there with no air flow. It was the best smoke I’ve ever had as far as potency and it tasted fine. As long as you don’t get mold or anything it’s kinda like the difference between a fine wine and mad dog 20/20. They both get the job done, ones just more pleasant while it’s doing that job.
Thanks for the reply. Thats good to know. I normally jarvest closer to fall when its cooled down some. A good deal of this crop will for edibles. I realize it wont be perfection was just hoping to not get dusty hay buds lol.
The cure matters more than the dry* (caveat I’ll explain in a second)
Curing is where the chlorophyll really begins to break down and dissipate - that’s where the hay/grass smell and flavor come from. A bad cure or absolute non-cure is why weed tastes terrible - it was left to dry too long without proper storage (at RH 58-62%). If you speed dry but take proper care during the cure, you will restore most, if not all, of the smell and flavor that disappeared over the course of harvesting and drying.
*now to explain the caveat: if you dry in improper conditions (too hot and humid = mold) (too hot and arid = brittle trichomes that fall off or break while transporting the plant or trimming) (too arid generally = same risk of brittle trichomes, high risk of over-drying). How you dry the plant affects the final product because a brittle plant will lose more thc in the transport and trim process than a plant that is dried slow at a low-ish temp and medium humidity. Also worth noting light degrades the trichomes, too, so if you can get it light-tight I highly recommend it.
I dry in whatever condition I can get - lots of times that’s around 72-75° and 30ish % RH. It makes for a fast dry and a lot of me avoiding touching the buds directly. Most of my trimming is done by holding the stems and using trimmers to snip off leaves without bumping up against my buds.
As long as u have a fan blowing air around the space that ur plant is hanging up in you should be able to control the temp abit better but dont have the fan blowing directly on to ur plant cause u will dry it out to quickly
@Graysin ALWAYS solid advice.
The best cure I had was hanging them in the tent they grew up in with a fan and a small humidifier.
Temps will be cool when this grow is done and humidity will be low. I just have to find a place to cure 12 plants! Some would say nice problem to have. I am thinking the garage with humidifiers or the basement.
Hey bro it’s been a while Perfect timing for “The cure matters more than the dry”. I’ve been researching and there are so many opinions, everyone’s doing their own “new thing” and it’s frustrating
So thanks again for posting solid and sensible advice
My pleasure
How’re they drying? I bet you’ve got some fat buds on your hands.
Havent cut them yet. Branches are getting heavy. Another week or two im thinking.
Hey Graysin quick question: What did you use to seal the tubing from the chiller to the reservoir? Mine keeps leaking HELP!!!
I use Uniseals for everything I do that involves water.
Every harvest i do is at 80 to 83, no choise. No longer have hay smell since curing properly.
Thanks on the Uniseals advice
My pleasure
How’re they drying? I bet you’ve got some fat buds on your hands.
What should the moisture meter read when buds are dry enough to cure?
isn’t this the same one you have or similar?
10-12% on the moisture meter, I like to get an average from several buds since the buds will dry at different rates based on size.
Thanks again Graysin