Droopy leaves , what’s going on

Ok fellow mates what am I doing wrong here ? The plant is 43 days old she is a Grand Daddy purp auto . So the issue is that I can’t seem to figure out why the leaves keep drooping . I don’t feel as I’m over watering because I’m only watering about every 4 to 5 days sometimes 6 . one day she will be standing up nicely and the next she has droopy leaves . Any information will help thanks

S44 full spectrum 400 watt led
15 gallon pots
Humidity 45-55%
Temp 68-78
Ocean forest soil
Run off 6.5
TPS nutrients with PPMs around 1300
Cal mag
Silica gold
Root booster
Canopy boost


Drooping is normal, particularly if it is around watering time or lights on or off. Give it a few hours and she should shape back up.


Thanks bud, had me worrying myself to death thinking I done screwed up .

I think they look good like the guy said above watering on and off times give it a few hours.
Also I would suggest to cut some of those big leaves on the bottomish. I feel some of those big leaves will relieve the plant I’m using its power to grow in other sections. Hope this makes some sense LOL. Throughout my auto flowers grow I must trim four times. These are looking beautiful though

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Perfectly normal… ill walk in some mornings and think my girls are on life support :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Makes perfect sense, I was wondering if I should take the bigger bottom leaves off . Just didn’t want to affect it to much with only a small period of grow . Thanks

Amen to that , I was freaking out for a bit lol

My first grow years ago I was scared to trim leaves I did all the big ones that look like hands LOL. Within two weeks it looks like I never trimmed anything and I had to do it again.
With good trims come great buds :crazy_face:. I feel when you trim it doesn’t have to get the nutrients the energy the strength to keep on feeding those leaves. New leaves are going to keep on coming. There is later in the growth you don’t want to trim all the leaves.
PS I usually make sure I have good scissors and I make sure they are clean with alcohol first. If you think there’s a problem with a certain plant always always alcohol scissors so you do not cross-contaminate.
I have always have alcohol and hydro peroxide in my fertilization box of goodies.

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Thanks bud I will be doing a lil trimming later on tonight . Question can you fim the plant at any stage ?

If fim you mean topping? I never done it, I think I’m too scared to lose my central huge bud lol :broccoli:

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That’s a beautiful girl you got there my friend

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lol I here ya , had to ask though