Drooping leaves, help

Trying to figure out why they are drooping like this. Ive messed with watering less and then giving more at times. Keep reverting back. what do i need to do to get them back to praying haha

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What is your DLI? Looks like maybe some light stress.

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I don’t see anything to get exercised about. You’re monitoring your watering habits and currently you might be at a high DLI. Also; plants just before and just after lights switch, the plant may droop in anticipation of that. Not saying that’s the cause…

How often and how much and assuming this is a 5 gallon vessel? Medium type and are you growing organically or using synthetic fertilizer Growmie :love_you_gesture:

Ive been watering maybe a half gallon each plant (2) until it seems damp or runoff out bottom. Letting it get until it seems dry…then doing it again

5 gallon pots
Fox farm ocean soil
Fox farm nutes as directed

:point_up_2: are you checking the input PH and PPMs and should be feeding/watering to at least 30% run off using the FF bottle nutrients. They’re notoriously salt heavy and the run off acts like a soft flush rinsing those salts away, without liberal run off those salts will accumulate in the root zone throwing your PH out of range creating lock out of nutrient absorption :love_you_gesture:


I think we are back on track now. Had a little nitrogen issue while i was away on vaca. But theyre both back being perky and growing pretty bushy.

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Looking good Grow Bro :love_you_gesture: