I have some drooping in my leaves today to much humidity, water or light?
just looks thirsty to me, how often and how much are you watering if i may ask?
also whats the ppfd? (light intensity) and distance?
the 2 on the right look perfect, the one that droopy could just be a bit thirsty. should perk back up
those lookin great tho, whatever ur doin its goin alright
There are getting thirsty about every 2 days i been giving about a 1/2 cup when in solo cups and now that most are in 5 gal fab pots i give 1 cup. My light has been at top of tent because it was so hot in my lung room. Then the temps fell way off so i am able to have it at 30" at 100% its a 400 watt led vs4000
I thought water to thats why you see they are moist.
i use 5 gal pots, at this point i would be doin about a half gallon or so every 3-5 days depending on how fast it dries up
after 30-40 days depending on soil, i would start goin to like 1-2 gallons every 3-4 days when u start adding nutes
Those plants are very close for a drench to dry cycle. Watering sparingly is important for the 1st few weeks until the roots become more established. Leaves will also droop right before lights on and lights off.
Id drench to dry also at this point. Once you drench pick the pot up and see how heavy it is. Wait for the plants to droop then feel the pot, thats how light it is dry. Muscle memory. Then youll be able to guage the moisture in the soil just by barely picking up the pot.
So like water until there is runoff? Then let it dry?
Slow water over about a 30 minute time in small amounts to allow the soil to soak up the water. You will have a small amount of runoff at the end. Youll know when she cant hold anymore.
No need to guess when plants need watering. Water slowly until good runoff, at least 10%, it helps keeps salts flushing. Then wait until the leaves are obviously wilting. Probably takes 5-6 days for indoor plant. Once it wilts you know to water it one day sooner. If a plant is in veg it will recover from the wilting, if it is in flower the leaves that wilt will die off.
Heres an example of a drought to drench i did a few grows ago for documentation.
Drench 1 hr later
Thanks yall this helps me alot. I was scared of over watering since thats a common thing as a newb but i bet they were just thirsty after i watered them last night they sprung up after a rest looking good now.
Also i just FIM the 2 biggest ones 4 days ago. I see no real difference anyone seeing anything in not?
Ya that’s what happened is my guess. I had same thing going on.
When you FIM you wont see any changes for a week or so. The plant is recovering from the stress and healing itself the first week. It will start to resume growth after that.
Right, where will these new shoots develop at though? On the top right? Where the cut was made or ? Probably sound dumb but o well lol
Where you fimmed will split from 2 to 4
Ok right on hell of a diagram lol. I do understand it now though thank you.