Heya guys and gals,
So a plant got wee bit too dried so Im trying to get some humidity back into them so ive put into jars.
Cannot get Bovi packs for couple days.
they are sitting at 50% rh in jars
my question is do I still burp them to run fresh air through buds or since im trying to rehydrate can I just keep lids on until bovi hits
Fan leaf from another living plant?
I would still burp for air exchange, just not as often.
No buds, extreme weather issues here and cooling couldn’t keep up
How long in jar when read rh? Closem up a day or so it jumps 10% i bet. If below cure and has stopped now is save and smoke. But i see a good equal out if leave sealed. Gives a truer reading.
U can drop a piece of wet napkin in the jars with the buds to get some moisture in there also. Leave something like alum foil or something to keep the napkin from being on the buds leave the napkin in the jar an hour or so and check on the rh and see where it lies. Let it get up to like atleast reading 62 or 63 before u remove the naps and leave covered again for 24 hrs to see where the rh sets at without the napkin. If still low repeat the steps again
I agree with @StonedCold13 - drop a couple of fan leaves from your current grow - if you’ve got one going - and it’ll raise the humidity in the jar.
Let it get up over 65% and then take them out and start burping if you need too.
Short of that just pop it open once a day for a breath of fresh air until you get you Boveda packs in.
I’ve had to do it both ways and the leaves will raise it quicker than the packs.
Good Luck to you!!
I had let mine get too dry after 8 weeks drying. Put in the boveda packets at 62% but that got them spongee sorta of so I might go with 66-68. Good Luck
Ohhh i understand now !
I didnt quite follow earlier but now understand, yeah thats a brilliant fix, tx guys thats easiest way for me to get thru.
Good Morning @Frosty_Nights if you have a fan leaf it will definitely do the trick. I had the same issue on my first harvest. Happy Harvest
Sorry buddy I’m not always best at explaining but if you ever don’t understand please speak up
And a tip for future grows… I always freeze some of my fan leaves so if I over-dry I can re-humidify with material from the same plant. (Not sure if really matters, but makes sense to my stoner brain)
Your all good bruv, sometimes I’m mildly retarded.
The fan leaves have done the job Perfectly.
Sitting on 60% as of now.